Thelwall M, Tang R, Price L "Linguistic patterns of academic Web use in Western Europe" SCIENTOMETRICS 56 (3): 417-432 2003

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Wed Mar 26 15:09:03 EST 2003

M. Thelwall : m.thelwall at

TITLE     Linguistic patterns of academic Web use in Western Europe
AUTHOR    Thelwall M, Tang R, Price L
JOURNAL   SCIENTOMETRICS 56 (3): 417-432 2003

 Document type: Article   Language: English
 Cited References: 48     Times Cited: 0

A survey of linguistic dimensions of Web site hosting and interlinking of
the universities of sixteen European countries is described. The results
show that English is the dominant language both for linking pages and for
all pages. In a typical country approximately half the pages were in English
and half in one or more national languages. Normalised interlinking patterns
showed three trends: 1) international interlinking throughout Europe in
English, and additionally in Swedish in Scandinavia; 2) linking between
countries sharing a common language, and 3) countries extensively hosting
international links in their own major languages. This provides evidence for
the multilingual character of academic use of the Web in Western Europe, at
least outside the UK and Eire. Evidence was found that Greece was
significantly linguistically isolated from the rest of the EU but that
outsiders Norway and Switzerland were not.

KeyWords Plus:

Thelwall M, Wolverhampton Univ, Sch Comp & Informat Technol, Wulfruna St,
Wolverhampton WV4 4ST, W Midlands, England
Wolverhampton Univ, Sch Comp & Informat Technol, Wolverhampton WV4 4ST, W
Midlands, England
SUNY Albany, Sch Informat Sci & Policy, Albany, NY 12222 USA


IDS Number:


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