Hartley J. "On choosing typographic settings for reference lists" SOCIAL STUDIES OF SCIENCE 32 (5-6): 917-932 OCT-DEC 2002

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Tue Mar 18 15:36:54 EST 2003

J. Hartley : j.hartley at psy.keele.ac.uk

Title     On choosing typographic settings for reference lists
Author    Hartley J
Journal   SOCIAL STUDIES OF SCIENCE 32 (5-6): 917-932 OCT-DEC 2002

Document type: Editorial Material    Language: English
Cited References: 32                 Times Cited: 0

References at the end of journal articles are typically printed in one of
three or four major referencing styles, together with hundreds of different
ways of presenting the elements within the references themselves. This paper
suggests that greater clarity could be achieved by choosing between one of
two major referencing styles, and using an agreed setting for the elements
within both of them.

Author Keywords:
references, styles, typography

Hartley J, Univ Keele, Dept Psychol, Keele ST5 5BG, Staffs, England
Univ Keele, Dept Psychol, Keele ST5 5BG, Staffs, England


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