Gaughan M, Bozeman B "Using curriculum vitae to compare some impacts of NSF research grants with research Center funding" RESEARCH EVALUATION 11 (1): 17-26 APR 2002

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Wed Jan 8 14:00:44 EST 2003

Monica Gaughan : monica.gaughan at
Barry Bozeman  : barry.bozeman at

Title     Using curriculum vitae to compare some impacts of NSF research
          grants with research Center funding
Author    Gaughan M, Bozeman B
Journal   RESEARCH EVALUATION  11 (1): 17-26 APR 2002

 Document type: Article  Language: English
 Cited References: 24    Times Cited: 0

While traditional grants remain central in US federal support of academic
scientists and engineers, the role of multidisciplinary NSF Centers is
growing. Little is known about how funding through these Centers affects
scientific output or (as is an NSF aim) increases academic collaboration
with industry. This paper tests the use of CVs to examine how Center funding
affects researchers' publication rates and their obtaining industry grants.

We find that CVs are indeed usable, but some ways of collecting them work
much better than others, and that researchers who obtain Center grants are
more likely to obtain grants from industry too, suggesting that this NSF aim
is being met. We do not find that Centers improve publication rates.

Gaughan M, Georgia Inst Technol, Res Value Mapping Program, Sch Publ Policy,
Atlanta, GA 30332 USA
Georgia Inst Technol, Res Value Mapping Program, Sch Publ Policy, Atlanta,
GA 30332 USA


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Eugene Garfield, PhD.  email: garfield at
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