BRS compactness

Ronald Rousseau ronald.rousseau at KHBO.BE
Sat Aug 9 13:46:31 EDT 2003

Dear Colleagues,

Gene Garfield asked me to put this on the list. I hope it is useful for some
of you.

Best regards,

Ronald Rousseau

BRS-compactness in networks: Theoretical considerations related to cohesion in
citation graphs, collaboration networks and the internet

Mathematical and Computer Modelling
Volume 37, Issues 7-8 , April 2003 , Pages 879-899

L. Egghe and R. Rousseau

Compactness as introduced by Botafogo, Rivlin and Shneiderman, in short: BRS-
compactness, is studied in general, as it can be used to describe the cohesion
of parts of the internet or collaboration networks, and in the particular case
of a unidirectional network, such as a citation graph. It is shown that the
connection coefficient is an upper bound for the BRS-compactness value of a
network. During our investigations, we derive an upper bound for the
generalized Wiener index of a directed graph. Several networks are constructed
and their BRS-compactness values are calculated.

Author Keywords: BRS-compactness; Networks; Hyperlinks; Internet; Citation
networks; Collaboration graphs; Generalized Wiener index; Sum of distances in
a graph

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Ronald Rousseau
International Program Chair, 9th ISSI Conference - Beijing
KHBO - Industrial Sciences and Technology
Zeedijk 101    B-8400  Oostende   Belgium
Guest Professor at the Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Honorary Professor Henan Normal University (Xinxiang, China)
E-mail: ronald.rousseau at
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