Help me get data on citations

Nadeem Haque nhaque_imf at YAHOO.COM
Sat Apr 5 04:35:56 EST 2003

I am engaged in a research project at the IMF to understand the impact of the brain drain on poor countries and to assess the research capacity in these countries.  The project is also supported by the World Bank.
I would like to make a cross country comparison of papers published in reasonable journals (not necessarily the best) as well as the number of citations. If possible could I find the same data by country of origin of the author to be able to estiamte the issue of brain drain. I intend to use this data in cross coutnry growth regressions. hence I would need a large sample that includes a number of poor countries.
My hypothesis is that published papers and citations from a coutnry shows that the profession of that coutnry is participating in the global pool of knowledge. In that sense it should give us a good handle on the coutnry's readiness to beneift from global knowledge spillovers.
I have been able to collect a fair amount of citation information on the OECD or industrial countries but cannot find much on the poor countries. It is understandable that they have very limited participation in citation counts.
Can any of you help me get data for a project that is likely to be of considerable international policy interest.
Thank you

Nadeem Ul Haque
IMF Res Rep--Egypt
C200 International Monetary Fund
Washington DC 20431 USA
Tel mobile 2 012 211 8146
office 202 392 4257 Home: 202 358 5686

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