Bordons M, Zulueta MA "Interdisciplinarity of Spanish cardiovascular research teams" REVISTA ESPANOLA DE CARDIOLOGIA 55 (9): 900-912 SEP 2002

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Tue Oct 29 17:08:38 EST 2002

Maria Bordons : mbordons at

Title   Interdisciplinarity of Spanish cardiovascular research teams
Author  Bordons M, Zulueta MA
Journal REVISTA ESPANOLA DE CARDIOLOGIA 55 (9): 900-912 SEP 2002

 Document type: Article   Language: Spanish
 Cited References: 21     Times Cited: 1

Objectives. The incidence of interdisciplinarity (ID) in Spanish
cardiovascular research teams was analyzed and scientists'opinions about
interdisciplinary relationships were examined.

Methods. The data analyzed were obtained in a survey sent in 1999 to a
sample of 310 researchers. They were selected using bibliometric techniques
and/or for being research project leaders in recent years.

Results. The response rate was 61%. Data were obtained from 130 research
teams located mainly in Madrid and Catalonia. Teams doing clinical research
(81%) and those working in hospitals (64%) predominated. Different facets of
interdisciplinary nature of the teams were analyzed: scientist training,
team composition, behavior patterns, collaboration, and publication and
reading habits. A high ID was observed in the area: more than 70% of the
teams are nterdisciplinary
according to the training of scientists, around 80% make use of knowledge or
techniques from other disciplines, and around 90% read and publish in
journals outside their own disciplines. Basic research teams had a higher ID
than clinical ones. A total of 37 highly interdisciplinary teams were
identified. These teams had a greater tendency towards collaboration.

Conclusions. Interdisciplinary reading and publishing habits were the norm
among Spanish researchers, even in single-discipline groups. The scattered,,
nature of teams, their high rate of external collaborations, and the
context of centers enhance interdisciplinary relationships. Administrative
barriers do not seem to be a major obstacle to establishing
interdisciplinary contacts.

Author Keywords:
cardiovascular diseases, cardiovascular system, research personnel,
questionnaires, interdisciplinarity

KeyWords Plus:

Bordons M, CSIC, Ctr Informac & Documentac Cientifica, CINDOC, Joaquin Costa
22, Madrid 28002, Spain
CSIC, Ctr Informac & Documentac Cientifica, CINDOC, Madrid 28002, Spain
Univ Alcala de Henares, Fac Documentac, Madrid, Spain


IDS Number:


 Cited Author            Cited Work                Volume      Page

                       B OFICIAL ESTADO              29      4182      2001
 *EUR COMM             EUR RES AR                                      2000
 *I SCI INF            J CIT REP 1999                                  2000
 BORDONS M             MED CLIN-BARCELONA           111       489      1998
 BORDONS M             SCIENTOMETRICS                46       383      1999
 DELOSMONTEROS JE      MED CLIN-BARCELONA           112       182      1999
 DELOSMONTEROS JE      MED CLIN-BARCELONA           112       225      1999
 DOGAN M               LIBR TRENDS                   45       296      1996
 GIBBONS M             NEW PRODUCTION KNOWL                            1994
 KATZ JS               P 5 BIENN C INT SOC                    245      1995
 KLEIN JT              LIBR TRENDS                   45       134      1996
 MARRUGAT J            REV ESP CARDIOL               50         1      1997
 METZGER N             SCIENCE                      283       642      1999
 MORILLO F             THESIS U CARLOS 3 MA                            2000
 PALMER CL             J AM SOC INFORM SCI           50       242      1999
 PORTER AL             SCIENTOMETRICS                 8       161      1985
 QIN J                 J AM SOC INFORM SCI           48       893      1997
 RICOY JR              APROXIMACION ANALISI                            1996
 SANZMENENDEZ L        RES EVALUAT                   10        47      2001
 SMALL H               LIBR TRENDS                   48        72      1999
 ZULUETA MA            REV ESP CARDIOL               52       751      1999

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Eugene Garfield, PhD.  email: garfield at
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