Miettunen J, Nieminen P, Isohanni M "Statistical methodology in general psychiatric journals" NORDIC JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY 56 (3): 223-228 JUN 1 2002

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Mon Oct 7 14:26:58 EDT 2002

I would say that this paper is just barely "bibliometric".  The authors
interpret the field very broadly.  Apparently almost any kind of
quantitative study of the literature qualifies.  A mention of Impact Factors
is solely to quantify their selection of these high impact journals in
psychiatry - American Journal of Psychiatry(AJP) Archives of General
Psychiatry (AGP) and British Journal of Psychiatry(BJP) against which they
compare the Nordic Journal of Psychiatry(NJP)

E. Garfield

P. Nieminen:  pentti.nieminen at oulu.fi

Title    Statistical methodology in general psychiatric journals
Author   Miettunen J, Nieminen P, Isohanni M
Journal  NORDIC JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY 56 (3): 223-228 JUN 1 2002

 Document type: Article    Language: English
 Cited References: 32      Times Cited: 0

Development of psychiatric research methods requires systematic review of
their status. This study describes the frequency with which various
statistical research designs and methods are reported in general psychiatric
journals. All original research articles in four psychiatric journals in
1996 were reviewed: The American Journal of Psychiatry (AJP), The Archives
of General Psychiatry (AGP), The British Journal of Psychiatry (BJP) and the
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry (NJP).
Evaluation included 448 regular articles, which reported original research
findings based on systematic collection and statistical analysis of research
data. Aspects measured were research design, statistical methodology,
description of procedures and presentation of results. Percentage
frequencies of reported statistical procedures were compared between the
journals. The policy of determining statistical significance was still the
most generally used method of conducting research.
Compared to earlier reviews, readers of psychiatric reports in 1996 more
frequently encountered computer-dependent multivariate techniques. There
were differences in the utilization and reporting of statistical procedures
among the journals. The authors of psychiatric journals might apply these
results in designing their psychiatric research to present intelligible and
compact analysis combined with a high quality presentation technique, thus
being in line with the policy and presentation of the leading psychiatric

Author Keywords:
articles, journals, research methodology, statistics

KeyWords Plus:

Miettunen J, Univ Oulu, Dept Psychiat, POB 5000, FI-90014 Oulu, Finland
Univ Oulu, Dept Psychiat, FI-90014 Oulu, Finland


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