"Garfield's conjecture: Do international journals have a higher impact factor than German-language journals?"
Johannes Stegmann
johannes.stegmann at MEDIZIN.FU-BERLIN.DE
Wed Nov 20 03:54:05 EST 2002
At 15:21 19.11.2002 -0500, you wrote:
>This article appeared in German. Unfortunately I cannot find the original
>german article, nor do I have the full citation for it. If anyone can
>identify the author or the original publication, please let me know.
>The translated version follows:
>Garfield's conjecture: Do international journals have a higher impact factor
>than German-language journals?
this is chapter 5.3 of volume 33 of "Kölner Arbeitspapiere zur Bibliotheks-
und Informationswissenschaft".
The title of this volume 33 is
"Informationswissenschaftliche Zeitschriften in
szientometrischer Analyse"
("information science journals in scientometric analysis" - my translation).
The "author" is "Grazia Colonia" and means a project performed by students
of the Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Austria, and of the Fachhochschule
(university of applied sciences) Cologne, Germany.
The volume 33 comprises 126 pages and can be downloaded as pdf from
Best whishes and regards,
Dr. Johannes Stegmann Univ. Hospital Benjamin Franklin
Free University Berlin Medical Library
johannes.stegmann at medizin.fu-berlin.de Hindenburgdamm 30
Tel.: +49 30 8445 2035 12203 Berlin
Fax: +49 30 8445 4454 Germany
Homepage: http://www.medizin.fu-berlin.de/medbib/home.html
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