Thelwall M. "An initial exploration of the link relationship between UK university Web Sites" ASLIB Proceedings 54(2):118-126, 2002

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Tue Nov 19 15:29:45 EST 2002

M. Thelwall : e-mail: m.thelwall at

Article Available At:

Title An initial exploration of the link relationship
            between UK university Web sites
Author Thelwall M
Journal ASLIB PROCEEDINGS  54 (2): 118-126 2002

 Document type: Article     Language: English    Cited References: 21
Times Cited: 0

Aggregates of links are of interest to information scientists in the same
way as citation counts are: as potential sources of data from which new
knowledge can be mined. Builds on the recent discovery of a correlation
between a Web link count measure and the research quality of British
universities by applying a range of multivariate statistical techniques to
counts of links between pairs of universities. 'This represents an initial
attempt at developing an understanding of this phenomenon.
Extracts plausible results. Also identifies outliers in the data by the
techniques, some of which were verified by being tracked down to
identifiable Web phenomena. This is an important outcome because successful
anomaly identification is a precondition to more effective analysis of this
kind of data. The identification of groupings is
encouraging evidence that Web links between universities can be mined for
significant results, although it is clear that more methodological
development is needed, if any but the simplest patterns are to be extracted.
Finally, based upon the types of patterns extracted, argues that none of the
methods used are capable of fully analysing link structures on their own.

Author Keywords:
universities, Internet, user studies, networks

KeyWords Plus:

Thelwall M, Wolverhampton Univ, Sch Comp & Informat Technol, Wolverhampton,
Wolverhampton Univ, Sch Comp & Informat Technol, Wolverhampton, England


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