Tijssen RJW "Science dependence of technologies: evidence from inventions and their inventors" RESEARCH POLICY 31 (4): 509-526 MAY 2002

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Fri May 31 12:42:31 EDT 2002

R.J.W. Tijssen : e-mail : tijssen at cwts.leidenuniv.nl

TITLE Science dependence of technologies: evidence from inventions and
their inventors
JOURNAL RESEARCH POLICY  31 (4): 509-526 MAY 2002

Document type: Article  Language: English
Cited References: 38  Times Cited: 0

Articulating a compelling economic rationale to justify investments in
research-by definition furthest removed from direct, immediate economic
benefit-is perhaps one of chief challenges of R&D managers, policy makers
and science analysts in the years ahead. Although several innovation studies
and surveys have provided some convincing empirical evidence of impacts and
benefits of research to technical progress, there is still an urgent need
for comprehensive models, reliable data and analytical tools to describe and
monitor links between R&D and industrial innovation in more detail.
As for the role of scientific and engineering research in the innovation
process, this paper reports on the findings of a novel methodology to
increase our understanding of the contribution of research efforts to
successful technical inventions. The approach is based on a nation-wide mail
survey amongst inventors working in the corporate sector and the public
research sector in The Netherlands. The inventors' inside information
regarding their patented inventions-and related technological innovations on
the market-provided a range of quantitative data on the importance of the
underpinning research activities. Statistical models attempting to explain
the degree of "science dependence" of the inventions identify a range of
relevant variables, covering the inventor's own capabilities and previous
R&D achievements, external information sources, as well as the inventor's
R&D environment in general. Some 20% of the private sector innovations
turned out to be (partially) based on public sector research. Furthermore,
citations in patents referring to basic research literature were found to be
invalid indictors of a technology's science dependence. (C) 2002 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Author Keywords:
science base of industrial innovation, patents, patent citations, inventors

KeyWords Plus:

Tijssen RJW, Leiden Univ, CWTS, Ctr Sci & Technol Studies, POB 9555, NL-2300
RB Leiden, Netherlands
Leiden Univ, CWTS, Ctr Sci & Technol Studies, NL-2300 RB Leiden, Netherlands

IDS Number:

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