O'Neill AL, Duffey MA "Communication of research and practice knowledge in nursing literature" NURSING RESEARCH 49 (4): 224-230 JUL-AUG 2000

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Tue Mar 26 15:43:25 EST 2002

Ann L. O'Neill : aoneill at ala.org

TITLE Communication of research and practice knowledge in nursing
AUTHOR O'Neill AL, Duffey MA

Document type: Article
Language: English
Cited References: 36
Times Cited: 0

Background: Previous research did not indicate whether communication
occurred between the research and practice components of nursing knowledge.

Objectives: This study was designed to examine the extent of communication
between or within the nursing-research and nursing-practice components of
the nursing literature.

Methods: Specific citing/cited relationships from the Current Index to
Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) are analyzed using citation
analysis. The sample was taken from the population of indexed documents that
contained references, that had the subject code of nursing, and that were
originally published in the United States or Canada in 1989.

Results: The results show that authors of research articles tend to cite
research articles more often than practice articles, and that authors of
practice articles tend to cite practice articles more often than research
articles. Authors with research degrees publish research articles more often
than would be expected by chance, and authors with clinical and
undergraduate degrees publish practice articles more often than expected.
Authors associated with research institutions tend to publish
research articles, and those affiliated with service institutions tend to
publish practice articles. Most cited documents (69.4%) are from disciplines
other than nursing.

Conclusions: The existence of communication between the research and the
practice component of nursing knowledge was demonstrated and appears to be
more prevalent than previously indicated. Further research on how the cited
literature is used would enable us to know about the depth and quality of
the communication event and to note variations as the body of nursing
knowledge evolves.

Author Keywords:
nursing knowledge, professional communication, citation analysis

KeyWords Plus:

O'Neill AL, Amer Lib Assoc, Sch Nursing, 50 E Huron St, Chicago, IL 60611
Amer Lib Assoc, Sch Nursing, Chicago, IL 60611 USA
Univ N Carolina, Sch Nursing, Chapel Hill, NC 27515 USA


IDS Number:


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