Jin BH, Rousseau R "An introduction to the barycentre method with an application to China's mean centre of publication" JOURNAL LIBRI 51 (4): 225-233 DEC 2001

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Mon Mar 4 17:13:43 EST 2002

BIHUI JIN: csci at mail.las.ac.cn

TITLE An introduction to the barycentre method with an application
          to China's mean centre of publication
AUTHOR Jin BH, Rousseau R
JOURNAL LIBRI  51 (4): 225-233 DEC 2001

Document type: Article
Language: English
Cited References: 14
Times Cited: 0

We explain the barycentre method and show how to apply it in a practical
situation. A country's mean centre of publication, or publication
barycentre, is defined and its evolution is studied in the case of China's
centre of publication. Data for this application are taken from the Chinese
Science Citation Database (CSCD). It is shown that China's publication
barycentre slowly moves to the south and that it approaches the population
barycentre. Tentative explanations for this southward movement, based on
economic and educational considerations, are given. It is observed that
inequality in publication between administrative units (regions) decreases

Jin BH, Chinese Acad Sci, Documentat & Informat Ctr, DICCAS, 8 Kexueyuan
Nanlu, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China
Chinese Acad Sci, Documentat & Informat Ctr, DICCAS, Beijing 100080, Peoples
R China
Univ Instelling Antwerp, KHBO, B-2610 Wilrijk, Belgium


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Eugene Garfield, Ph.D. E-mail: mailto:garfield at codex.cis.upenn.edu Web site:
Telephone: (215)243-2205 Fax: (215)387-1266
Past President, American Society for Information Science & Technology
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