Wikgren M "Health discussions on the Internet: A study of knowledge communication through citations" LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE RESEARCH 23 (4): 305-317 2001

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Mon Mar 4 17:04:47 EST 2002

Marianne Wikgren : marianne.wikgren at abo.fi

TITLE Health discussions on the Internet: A study of knowledge
        communication through citations
AUTHOR Wikgren M

Document type: Article
Language: English
Cited References: 25
Times Cited: 0

The Internet is a convenient but complex source for health information used
by an increasing number of health consumers.
Especially for people suffering from a chronic illness (e.g., diabetes),
information seeking forms a part of the daily management of the disease, a
"project of life." This study of Web texts examines the citation patterns
for a specific and controversial health issue: the beneficial or hazardous
use of dietary chromium supplementation in diabetes self-management. Texts
from different categories of Web sources (scientific, professional,
educational, and commercial sources, as well as diabetes discussion
groups)were analyzed in order to study how knowledge is transferred between
sources, and how diabetics participating in discussion groups refer to and
make sense of the information from different sources on the Internet. The
citation patterns suggest that deviations from the traditional models of
scientific knowledge dissemination can occur in the Internet environment.
(C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

KeyWords Plus:

Wikgren M, Abo Akad Univ, Dept Informat Studies, Tavastgatan 13, FIN-20500
Turku, Finland
Abo Akad Univ, Dept Informat Studies, FIN-20500 Turku, Finland


IDS Number:


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Eugene Garfield, Ph.D. E-mail: mailto:garfield at codex.cis.upenn.edu Web site:
Telephone: (215)243-2205 Fax: (215)387-1266
Past President, American Society for Information Science & Technology
Chairman Emeritus, Institute for Scientific Information ( ISI),
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