Lewison G, Grant J, Jansen P "International gastroenterology research: subject areas, impact, and funding" GUT 49 (2): 295-302 AUG 2001

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Wed Jan 16 15:39:29 EST 2002

G. Lewison : e-mail: g.lewison at soi.city.ac.uk


TITLE International gastroenterology research: subject areas, impact, and
AUTHOR Lewison G, Grant J, Jansen P
JOURNAL GUT 49 (2): 295-302 AUG 2001

 Document type: Article    Language: English    Cited References: 11
Times Cited: 0

Aims - To examine the volume and potential impact of gastroenterology
research outputs from 1985 to 1998 from 14 developed countries; the overlap
with research in cancer, infectious diseases, and genetics; and the funding
sources for this research. To determine if countries' research outputs
correlated with their burden of corresponding diseases and inputs to their

Methods - Selective retrieval of papers from the Science Citation Index and
manual look up of a sample to determine funding sources. Classification of
journals by four categories of research level (clinical/basic) and
potential impact (low/high).

Results - Gastroenterology represents about 8% of world biomedical research
but over 11% in Italy, Japan, and Spain. Its potential impact is highest
(but declining) for the USA. It has increased noticeably in most European
countries, particularly in Finland. Gastroenterology research has become
more clinical in Japan, Spain, Australia, and the Netherlands but more
basic in Canada, Germany, Finland, Israel, and South Africa. Funding comes
primarily from national governments, followed by national private non-
profit sources and industry but little industrial funding occurs in some
countries. There is a strong and positive correlation between reported
deaths from gastrointestinal neoplasms and countries' outputs of research
in gastrointestinal oncology.

Conclusions - Bibliometric analysis can reveal differences between
countries in their research in a subject when a common methodology is
applied to an international database. Variations in research methods in
different countries can plausibly explain some of the variation in the
potential impact of the work.

Author Keywords:
bibliometrics, funding, impact, mortality, research

Lewison G, City Univ London, Dept Informat Sci, Bibliometr Res Grp,
Northampton Sq, London EC1V 0HB, England
Wellcome Trust, Policy Unit, London NW1 2BE, England Acad Ziekenhuis, Dept
Gastroenterol & Hepatol, NL-9700 RB Groningen, Netherlands


IDS Number:


Cited Author            Cited Work                Volume      Page      Year

 BUTLER L              9812335 AUSTR NAT HL                            1995
 DAWSON G              MAPPING LANDSCAPE NA                            1998
 JESCHIN D             P 5 INT C INT SOC SC                   235      1995
 LEWISON G             GUT                           43       288      1998
 LEWISON G             J INFORM SCI                  25       509      1999
 LEWISON G             RES EVALUATION                 6        25      1996
 LEWISON G             SCIENTOMETRICS                46       529      1999
 LEWISON G             SCIENTOMETRICS                41        17      1998
 MARSHALL B            LANCET                         1      1273      1983
 NARIN F               J AM SOC INFORM SCI           27        25      1976
 WARREN JR             LANCET                         1      1273      1983

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Eugene Garfield, Ph.D. E-mail: mailto:garfield at codex.cis.upenn.edu Web
site: http://www.eugenegarfield.org
Telephone: (215)243-2205 Fax: (215)387-1266
Past President, American Society for Information Science & Technology
Chairman Emeritus, Institute for Scientific Information ( ISI),
http://www.isinet.com  3501 Market St , Philadelphia, PA 19104-3389,
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