Pardo C, Reolid M, Delicado MV, Mallebrera E, Garcia-Meseguer MJ "Nursing research in Spain: bibliometrics of references of research papers in the decade 1985-1994" JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING 35 (6): 933-943 SEP 2001

Eugene Garfield garfield at CODEX.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Thu Jan 10 15:48:36 EST 2002

Carmen Pardo : e-mail : cpardo at

TITLE  Nursing research in Spain: bibliometrics of references of
research papers in the decade 1985-1994
AUTHORS Pardo C, Reolid M, Delicado MV, Mallebrera E, Garcia-Meseguer MJ

 Document type: Article    Language: English     Cited References: 44
Times Cited: 0

Background. Spain is one of the few European countries to have recently
totally incorporated the study of nursing into the
university sector. Bibliometric studies may be of a great help for the
consolidation of nursing research.

Aim of the study. The aim of this paper is to describe bibliographic
references in Spanish nursing research papers and their evolution over a

Method. The method consists of a retrospective bibliometric study of a
sample (cluster sampling) of 622 research papers(original papers and review
papers), which were contained in the Spanish nursing journals Enfermeria
Cientifica, Revista ROL de Enfermeria, Enfermeria Clinica and Enfermeria
Integral, and published from 1985 to 1994. The journal Nursing Research
was selected for qualitative comparative purposes. A series of classic
bibliometric indexes were used.

Results. The mean of references per paper is 10.64 +/- 10.42; this increased
over time (P < 0.001). Review papers have more references (P < 0.001). Price
index (percentage of references published during the last 5 years) is 44%
and the Insularity (percentage of references published in same country as
the article) is 55%. References to journals predominate (58.6%), with a
growing tendency for references to Spanish nursing journals, although they
are still scarce (18.1% of the references to journals). Spanish is the
language of most of the references (60.3%), the second language being
English (36.1%).

Conclusions. Bibliographic references in Spanish nursing research papers are
scarce and not very specific: this happens both in regard to Nursing
Research and to publications in other national and international science
areas. However, there is an increasing tendency of references (including
references to nursing journals) in the period analysed. The age of the
references places Spanish nursing in ail intermediate position between the
'hard' sciences and the humanities; and, according to the type of
documentation used, we find it halfway between experimental and natural
sciences, and technologies and social sciences. There has been a slight
increase in references in English in recent years.

Author Keywords:
bibliometrics, Spanish nursing research, analysis of references,
bibliographic references

Pardo C, Escuela Univ Enfermeria, Campus Univ,Edificio Benjamin Palencia,
Albacete 02071, Spain
Univ Castilla La Mancha, Dept Nursing, Albacete, Spain
Primary Care Ctr 4, Albacete, Spain


IDS Number:


Cited Author            Cited Work                Volume      Page      Year

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 ALEIXANDRE R          ATENCION PRIMARIA             17       321      1995
 ALVAREZ M             ATEN PRIMARIA                 18       229      1996
 ARCAS P               MED CLIN-BARCELONA           102       584      1994
 BAIGET T              MED CLIN-BARCELONA            87       500      1986
 BRADFORD SC           ENGINEERING-LONDON           137        85      1934
 CABRERO J             ENFERMERIA CIENTIFIC         122        37      1992
 CABRERO J             ENFERMERIA CIENTIFIC         116        44      1991
 CARTAGENA E           20 C CUADR ENF MADR                     60      1993
 DELBURGO JL           ATENCION PRIMARIA              9        39      1992
 FAWCETT J             ANAL EVALUATION CONC                            1994
 GALVEZ A              ENFERMERIA CIENTIFIC         202        68      1999
 GARFIELD E            CURRENT CONTENTS CLI          43         3      1984
 GARFIELD E            METRIC SCI                                      1978
 GONZALEZ A            INDEX ENFERMERIA               5        85      1996
 GONZALEZ M            ENFERMERIA CLIN                7        63      1997
 HUTCH EJ              COMO ESCRIBIR PUBLIC                            1992
 ICART MT              ENFERMERIA CIENTIFIC         116        33      1991
 ICART MT              ENFERMERIA CLIN                4        36      1994
 ICART MT              ENFERMERIA CLIN                4        42      1994
 JIMENEZVILLA J        ANTENCION PRIMARIA            12         9      1993
 KILBY SA              NURS OUTLOOK                  39        82      1991
 KRAGH H               INTRO HIST CIENCIA                              1987
 LOPEZ JM              MED CLIN-BARCELONA            98       101      1992
 LOPEZ JM              MED CLIN-BARCELONA            98       142      1992
 LOPEZ P               INTRO BIBLIOMETRIA                              1996
 LOPEZPINERO JM        MED CLIN-BARCELONA            98        64      1992
 MOODY LE              NURS RES                      37       374      1988
 MORAVCSIK MJ          REV ESP DOC CIENT             12       313      1989
 MORENOTORRES R        ACT C TES DOCT                36       671      1986
 NARVAIZA MJ           INVESTIGACION LUGAR                     81      1995
 PARDO C               20 C CUADR ENF MADR                     60      1993
 PRITCHARD A           J DOC                         25       348      1969
 RICHART M             ENFERMERIA CLIN                4       118      1994
 RICHART M             IMPORTANCIA DESARROL                    22      1996
 ROMERA MJ             REV ED                       297       459      1992
 SANCHEZPRIETO JM      INVESTIGACION DIALOG                    17      1997
 SANCHO R              REV ESPANOLA DOCUMEN          13       842      1990
 SCHLOMAN BF           HEALTH EDUC RES                7       117      1992
 SILVA LC              CULTURA ESTADISTICA                             1997
 SMITH JP              NURSING SCI NURSING                             1981
 SOLER JM              ATENCION PRIMARIA             16       331      1995
 TORRA JE              ENFERMERIA CLIN                4       291      1994
 TORRA JE              REV ROL ENFERMERIA           218        33

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Eugene Garfield, Ph.D. E-mail: mailto:garfield at Web site:
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Past President, American Society for Information Science & Technology
Chairman Emeritus, Institute for Scientific Information ( ISI),  3501 Market St , Philadelphia, PA 19104-3389,
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