terrorist tragedies

Johannes Stegmann johannes.stegmann at MEDIZIN.FU-BERLIN.DE
Thu Sep 13 04:15:09 EDT 2001

Dear Colleagues,

the terroristic attacks against the United States of America certainly
shocked all of us.
I would like to express my deep sorrow at those horrible events. I am not
able to find the right words; therefore, I print below the message of our
university's president (URL: http://www.fu-berlin.de/en/aktuell/wtc.html).

Johannes Stegmann


Message from the President of the FU Berlin about the terrorist attacks in
New York and Washington on 11 September 2001

Dear colleagues and friends,

it is with deep horror that we have received the news of the atrocious
attack on the World Trade Centre and other buildings in New York,
Washington and elsewhere
in your country. We are shocked to see that despite of all of your and our
efforts to disseminate the idea of human values, there are people on this
globe who oppose even the most fundamental principles of civilization. I
speak for all students and staff members of the Free University Berlin in
expressing our hope that those of you who live and work in or near the
places hit so terribly have not been harmed directly. We feel that we
should let you know of our sympathy and moral support in these difficult
times - you may be sure that we are close to you and the many people in
your country who are and will remain to be our very best friends. You may
count on our support - should you need it, please call on us.

                         With our condolences and greetings,

                         Univ.-Prof. Dr. P.Gaehtgens

Dr. Johannes Stegmann                   Univ. Hospital Benjamin Franklin
Free University Berlin                  Medical Library
johannes.stegmann at medizin.fu-berlin.de  Hindenburgdamm 30
Tel.: +49 30 8445 2035                  12203 Berlin
Fax:  +49 30 8445 4454                  Germany
  Homepage:  http://www.medizin.fu-berlin.de/medbib/home.html

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