ABS: Marion, Contrasting views of software engineering journals: Author cocitation choices and indexer vocabulary assignments

Gretchen Whitney gwhitney at UTK.EDU
Fri Mar 30 18:05:59 EST 2001

Linda Marion : linda.marion at drexel.edu
Kate McCain : Kate.McCain at cis.drexel.edu

TITLE           Contrasting views of software engineering journals: Author
cocitation choices and indexer vocabulary assignments
aUTHOR   Marion LS, McCain KW
                                52 (4): 297-308 FEB 15 2001

 Document type: Article       Language: English     Cited References: 37
Times Cited: 0

We explore the intellectual subject structure and research themes in
software engineering through the identification and analysis of a core
literature. We examine this literature via two expert perspectives: that of
the author, who identified significant work by citing it (journal cocitation
analysis), and that of the professional indexer, who tags published work
with subject terms to facilitate retrieval from a bibliographic database
(subject profile analysis). The data sources are SCISEARCH (the on-line
version of Science Citation Index), and INSPEC (a database covering
software engineering, computer science, and information systems), We use
data visualization tools (cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling, and
PFNets) to show the "intellectual maps" of software engineering. Cocitation
and subject profile analyses demonstrate that software engineering is
a distinct interdisciplinary field, valuing practical and applied aspects,
and spanning a subject continuum from "programming-in-the-small" to
"programming-in-the-large." This continuum mirrors the software development
life cycle by taking the operating system or major application from
initial programming through project management, implementation, and
maintenance, Object orientation is an integral but distinct subject area in
software engineering. Key differences are the importance of management and
programming: (1) cocitation analysis emphasizes project
management and systems development; (2) programming techniques/languages are
more influential in subject profiles; (3) cocitation profiles place
object-oriented journals separately and centrally while the subject profile
analysis locates these journals with the programming/languages group.

KeyWords Plus:

Marion LS, Drexel Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, 3141 Chestnut St,
Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA
Drexel Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA


IDS Number:

Cited Author            Cited Work                Volume      Page      Year

                       PETERSONS ANN GUID G                            2000
 *I EL ENG             INSPEC THES                                     1993
 BOEHM BW              IEEE T COMPUT                 25      1226      1976
 BROOKS FP             MYTHICAL MAN MOUTH E                            1995
 BUCKLEY FJ            COMPUTER                      26        76      1993
 COULTER N             CMUSEI95TR019 SOFTW                             1996
 COULTER N             J AM SOC INFORM SCI           49      1206      1998
 DAKIN K               IEEE SOFTWARE                 14       105      1997
 ENGELSMAN EC          RES POLICY                    23         1      1994
 FORD G                COMPUTR                       22        59      1989
 GLASS RL              J SYST SOFTWARE               19       277      1992
 HAND J                UNPUB CONGITIVE MODE                            2000
 HEALEY P              RES POLICY                    15       233      1986
 HINZE S               SCIENTOMETRICS                29       353      1994
 MCCAIN KW             ADV SERIAL                     6       105      1997
 MCCAIN KW             FISHERIES                     19        20      1994
 MCCAIN KW             J AM SOC INFORM SCI           46       306      1995
 MCCAIN KW             J AM SOC INFORM SCI           41       433      1990
 MCCAIN KW             LIBR QUART                    61       311      1991
 MCCAIN KW             P 5 BIENN C INT SOC                    275      1995
 MCCAIN KW             SCIENTOMETRICS                32       153      1995
 MCCAIN KW             UNPUB MAPPING INTELL                            2000
 MORRIS TA             J AM MED INFORM ASSN           5       448      1998
 NERUR S               THESIS U TEXAS ARLIN                            1994
 NORUSIS M             STAT PACKAGE SOCIAL                             1997
 PARNAS DL             COMMUN ACM                    40       128      1997
 PRESSMAN RS           SOFTW GEN PRACTITION                            1992
 RAPP B                THESIS DREXEL U PHIL                            1985
 SCHVANEVELDT R        PATHFINDER ASS NETWO                            1990
 SHAW M                IEEE SOFTWARE                  7        15      1990
 TIJSSEN RJW           RES POLICY                    21        27      1992
 TODOROV R             SCIENTOMETRICS                19        35      1990
 VANRAAN A             SCIENTOMETRICS                26       607      1989
 WANG PL               J AM SOC INFORM SCI           50        98      1999
 WHITE HD              J AM SOC INFORM SCI           49       327      1998
 WHITE HD              SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT                    84      1990
 WHITE MD              LIBR QUART                    67       122      1997

(c) ISI, Reprinted with permission
Please visit their website at www.isinet.com

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