bibliometrics - out of print books

Stuart Frazer sfrazer at ODU.EDU
Wed Mar 28 19:17:42 EST 2001

A faculty member I'm working with is doing a bibliometric study and is
trying to get the years that about 100 selected book titles went
out-of-print. Of course, it's simple to find out when the books were
published, but the out of print date information has proved illusive.  One
option is to go through the yearly retrospective Books in Print editions
and note the year at which the individual titles ceased to be listed,
although this would be a very labor intensive process. Does anyone know of
a print or electronic resource that includes this information? The titles
the faculty member needs to research are from the last 30 years
or so.

Thanks in advance

Stuart Frazer
Perry Library, Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529
sfrazer at

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