ABS: Wormell, Libri's golden jubilee in a bibliometric mirror

Gretchen Whitney gwhitney at UTK.EDU
Mon Mar 26 18:29:06 EST 2001

Author's E-mail: Irene Wormell :  iw at db.dk

TITLE           Libri's golden jubilee in a bibliometric mirror
AUTHOR  Wormell I
JOURNAL LIBRI 50: (2) 75-94 JUN 2000

 Document type: Article    Language: English    Cited References: 9    Times
Cited: 0

For the celebration of the 50-year jubilee of Libri - International Journal
of Libraries and Information Services, an extensive
bibliometric analysis has been carried out to present some qualitative and
quantitative data about the journal's position in the
information market and its contribution to the professional developments in
the field of library and information science.

The study is based on the methodology for online citation analysis developed
by the Centre for Informetric Studies in
Copenhagen, to facilitate a deeper understanding of journal evaluation
procedures and, consequently, the evaluation of the
research published in it. Highlighted features are: Libri as represented in
the databases; authorship characteristics; users of the
journal; export of knowledge; citation pattern; synchrone and diachrone
analysis of the citation impact; citation half life; top ten
most cited Libri articles; special issues published in the 1990s.

The aim of the presented metric analyses is not only to provide a historical
overview of the visibility and impact of an independent,
international journal, but also to show an advanced method for journal
evaluation and to promote the use of online citation
analysis. Data presented in the 15 figures provide useful information about
some properties of a scientific journal, which until now
have not been highlighted in the form of scientific investigations analysing
the importance and influence of a journal in a given field.

KeyWords Plus:

Wormell I, Royal Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Ctr Informetr Studies, Birketinget
6, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark.
Royal Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Ctr Informetr Studies, DK-2300 Copenhagen S,


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(c) ISI Reprinted with permission
Please visit their website at www.isinet.com


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