ABS: Baldi, Normative versus social constructivist processes in the allocation of citations: A network-analytic model

Gretchen Whitney gwhitney at UTK.EDU
Fri Mar 23 18:15:43 EST 2001

Stephane Baldi : sbaldi at air-dc.org

TITLE   :       Normative versus social constructivist processes in the
allocation of citations: A network-analytic model

 Document type: Article    Language: English    Cited References: 72
Times Cited: 2

I assess competing arguments on the determinants of scientists' citation
patterns by developing a new approach to the multivariate study of citations
that builds upon a network-analytic model. Using data on articles about
celestial masers, an astrophysics research area, logistic regressions with
robust standard errors examine the extent to which characteristics of both
potentially citing and potentially cited papers influence the probability
that a citation exists between the papers. The results identify significant
positive, effects of cited article cognitive content and cited article
quality, providing support for a normative interpretation of the allocation
citations in which citations reflect payment of intellectual debt. In
contrast, indicators of an author's position within the stratification
structure of science fail to significantly improve the fit of the model, and
thus provide no support for the social constructivist claim that citations
are rhetorical tools of persuasion. Furthermore, the lack of effects of
social ties between citing and cited authors provides little support for the
argument that authors who know one another are more likely to cite one
another's work. Overall, these results suggest that authors are likely to
cite those articles most relevant to their work in terms of intellectual
content, and seem little concerned with the characteristics of authors who
write them.

KeyWords Plus:

Baldi S, Amer Inst Res, Pelavin Res Ctr, 1000 Thomas Jefferson St NW,
Washington, DC 20007 USA.
Amer Inst Res, Pelavin Res Ctr, Washington, DC 20007 USA.


IDS Number:


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