ISSI-2001 - just one month to go ...

Mari Davis issi2001 at UNSW.EDU.AU
Sun Jun 17 22:22:01 EDT 2001

Apology if any cross posting occurs.

Dear Colleagues,
The Program has now been finalised.
Full program details will be put up on our Web site during the next week.
The Conference Program includes two Plenary Sessions. The first is on "Use of
Journal Impact Measures" on Tuesday, and the second "Cybermetrics" is on Friday;
there are 20 concurrent Sessions scheduled for the other three days, Monday,
Wednesday and Thursday.

The Concurrent Sessions are titled:
   Indicator Development;   Processes of Scientific Communication;
   Informetrics and Information Retrieval;   National Research Output-General
   Scope;   National Research Output -National Scope;   Visualisations I & II;
   Modeling of Informetric Distributions;   Issues of Disciplinarity &
   Interdisciplinarity;   Citation Analysis I & II;  Collaboration;  Analysis of
   Patents;  Informetrics for Policy-Global Contexts;    Informetrics for
   Policy-National Contexts;   Informetrics of Health & Medicine I & II;
   Informetrics of Science & Technology;   Author-Related Informetrics;
   Analysis of Words & Phrases.
The ISSI-2001 Keynote Address will be delivered by Dr Henry Small of ISI,
Philadelphia, USA.

In addition, there is an interesting array of social and professional events and
meetings. The most important of these is the "Derek de Solla Price Award"
ceremony on the Monday evening where the winners of the Price Medal for 2001
will be announced. The Official Conference Dinner is on the Tuesday evening at
the James Cook Ballroom of the InterContinental Hotel in the heart of the city
of Sydney. On Friday afternoon, there will be a special meeting of COLLNET, the
"Collaboration in Science & Technology Network. There are also the less formal
events such as the twilight tour of Sydney Harbour by ferry (Wednesday evening);
pre-Conference walks on Sunday morning along the beaches of Sydney, and
Valentina's Auction of Gifts as a fund-raiser to establish an ISSI Scholarship
for assisting delegates to attend the next conference in Beijing, China. The
Handing-Over  to the Beijing Hosts is scheduled for Thursday evening.

Attendance at the ISSI Conference is essential for anyone interested in
Informetric and Scientometric Research.
Don't miss it. If you haven't yet registered for this Conference, do so very
If you really can't attend, why not purchase the Proceedings volume?
The ISSI-2001 Proceedings contains over 80 full papers, extended abstracts, and
Poster Abstracts.
The Proceedings volume can be purchased by sending an order to the ISSI-2001
Chair,  Dr Mari Davis at the address below (price: AUD$95 plus extra for postage
and handling). Payment by cheque made out to "The University of New South Wales"
or by Visa or MasterCard only (to order, use the letter form from the ISSI
Registration page to send credit card details and signature).

Dr Mari Davis
Chair, Australian Organising Committee
8th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics
School of Information Systems, Technology and Management
The University of New South Wales
Sydney Australia 2052

Tel: +61 2 9385 7127
Fax: +61 2 9662 4061
Email: issi2001 at

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