Manfred Bonitz announces Nalimov Special Issue
Gretchen Whitney
gwhitney at UTK.EDU
Mon Jul 9 18:13:08 EDT 2001
To the participants of the 8th International Conference on Scientometrics
and Informetrics, 16 - 20 July, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
The international journal SCIENTOMETRICS devotes a special issue (vol.52,
No.2, 2001) to the memory of Vassily Vassilievich NALIMOV. You are offered
to order a copy, free of charge, directly from the Publishing Editor.
Please, contact
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Drs. F. Robbert van Berckelaer M.Phil.
Spuiboulevard 50
P.O.Box 17
3300 AA Dordrecht
The Netherlands
Phone: (+31) 78 639 21 87
Gretchen Whitney, PhD tel 865.974.7919
School of Information Sciences fax 865.974.4967
University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN 37996 USA gwhitney at
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