ABS: Van Fleet DD, A theoretical and empirical analysis of journal rankings: The case of formal lists

Gretchen Whitney gwhitney at UTK.EDU
Mon Feb 12 18:04:40 EST 2001

David Van Fleet :     David_Van_Fleet at asuwest-online.west.asu.edu

Title           A  theoretical and empirical analysis of journal rankings:
The case of formal lists
Äuthor          Van Fleet DD, McWilliams A, Siegel DS
Journal         JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT 26: (5) 839-861 2000

 Document type: Article    Language: English    Cited References: 57
Times Cited: 0

This study examines the use of formal rankings of journals by management
departments for personnel decision purposes. We posit that the probability
adopting a list of formal rankings is related to a set of characteristics of
the department. Few schools have formal lists of journals. Our empirical
findings imply
that the probability of adopting a list is positively correlated with
department size and is inversely correlated with the perceived quality of
the department
Considerable variation exists across such lists and across different
institutions in the perceptions of the quality of journals. This suggests
that, although lists may
reduce the level of uncertainty regarding the assessment of research quality
by providing explicit targets, lists may also induce faculty members to
institution-specific human capital. This could reduce faculty mobility and
impede career development. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights

KeyWords Plus:

Van Fleet DD, Arizona State Univ W, Sch Management, Phoenix, AZ 85069 USA.
Arizona State Univ W, Sch Management, Phoenix, AZ 85069 USA.
Univ Illinois, Chicago, IL USA.
Univ Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, England.


IDS Number:


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(c) ISI, Reprinted with permission
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