Fwd: Special Garfield Festschrift on Scientometrics

Pascal V. Calarco pvcalarc at SATURN.VCU.EDU
Wed Sep 27 09:51:32 EDT 2000

SIGMETRICS readers may be interested in this note from Stevan Harnard on
the VPIEJ-L list. Apologies for cross-posting duplication in advance. The
Sept.10, 2000 issue of Current Science may be accessed at:


- pascal

>X-Authentication-Warning: cogito.ecs.soton.ac.uk: harnad owned process
>doing -bs
>Date:         Wed, 27 Sep 2000 09:45:06 +0100
>Reply-To: Stevan Harnad <harnad at COGLIT.ECS.SOTON.AC.UK>
>Sender: Electronic Journal Publishing List <VPIEJ-L at LISTSERV.VT.EDU>
>From: Stevan Harnad <harnad at COGLIT.ECS.SOTON.AC.UK>
>Subject:      Special Garfield Festschrift on Scientometrics
>X-To:         september98-forum at amsci-forum.amsci.org
>X-cc:         Elib List EJ <lis-elib at mailbase.ac.uk>,
>               Lib Serials list <serialst at LIST.UVM.EDU>
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: List Server <listmaster at NCSI.IISC.ERNET.IN>
>Reply-To: A discussion list for Library and Info Services in India
>Subject: Current Science (fwd)
>Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 15:39:00 +0530
>Current Science dated 10 September 2000 carries a special section on
>scientometrics running to 49 pages. There are six articles. Authors include
>Olle Persson, Alan Hedley, Peter Vinkler, Stevan Harnad, Jayashree and
>Jinandra Doss. There is an editorial by Prof. P Balaram and a brief note on
>Gene Garfield and the articles in the special section by Arunachalam. This
>special section was brought out to honour Gene Garfield on his 75th
>birthday (16 September).
>Library and information professionals as well as research scientists may
>find this issue interesting.
>Subbiah Arunachalam

Pascal V. Calarco, MLIS, AHIP
Advanced Technologies Librarian, Assistant Professor
Tompkins-McCaw Library for the Health Sciences
VCU Libraries
Virginia Commonwealth University
PO Box 980582
Richmond, VA                          ICQ #:  3736376
USA 23298-0582                        voice: (804) 828-0626
e-mail: pvcalarc at vcu.edu              fax:   (804) 828-6089

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