Mirrowing individual scientometric contributions in the Cybermetrics site

Isidro F. Aguillo isidro at CINDOC.CSIC.ES
Wed Sep 27 05:12:51 EDT 2000

Mirrowing individual scientometric contributions in the Cybermetrics

After several periodic revisions of the links collected for the
Cybermetrics pages devoted to directory of resources, we realised the
large number of relevant papers and other full-text documents that
disappear from the Web due to unknown (and probably diverse) reasons.
This is a well-known phenomenon that probably involves more than a 10%
of the Web each year, but it is unfortunate in some cases as important
data are lost due to factors external to authors' control.

We wish to offer an especial mirrowing service in Cybermetrics for our
colleagues under restricted conditions as follows:

- The service is only open to finished documents (peer-reviewed or
accepted final versions of articles and papers are preferred) ALREADY
published in other site of the Web.

- Each document will be archived as one pdf file (we can convert HTML
files in acrobat pdf files).

- This service is open to scientometric, bibliometric, informetric,
cybermetric, and similar topics related papers. Those items will be
referred from a secondary link in the corresponding Cybermetrics
directories, but the PRIMARY link will be to the ORIGINAL source.

- No formal consideration will be given to the items in the archive.
Please, provide only those items without rights problems.

We wish to emphasize the objective of making a permanent deposit to
increase availability, not an alternative way of publishing.

Isidro F. AGUILLO                  isidro at cindoc.csic.es
CINDOC-CSIC                        Tel: +34-91-563.54.82
Joaquin Costa, 22                  Fax: +34-91-564.26.44
28002 Madrid. ESPAÑA/SPAIN
Editor Cybermetrics (http://www.cindoc.csic.es/cybermetrics)

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