CFP: ISSI, Sydney 2001

Gretchen Whitney gwhitney at UTKUX.UTCC.UTK.EDU
Fri Nov 24 09:26:03 EST 2000

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 16:38:02 +1000
From: issi2001 at UNSW.EDU.AU

                              CALL FOR PAPERS


                             16-20TH JULY 2001

                               TO BE HELD AT


 Submissions are being accepted for review now for potential contributions
 at the important conference in the field of Scientometrics, informetrics,
                       bibliometrics and webmetrics.

Contributors  are  requested to submit an extended abstract of no more than

1000  words  to  the  Australian Organising Committee Chair, Dr Mari Davis.

References  to  literature  that  supports  the submission can be appended;

references need not be counted in the text allowance of 1000 words.

Extended  abstracts  should  be  received no later than Friday 12th January

2001.  For  speedy  distribution  purposes,  it  is requested that extended

abstracts  are  sent by email as a file attachment using Microsoft Word, in

RTF format, or other well-known word-processsing package. Those who are not

able  to  present  their submissions by email should post them to arrive in

Australia by 12 January 2001.

Extended  abstracts  should  include  author's  names,  organisations,  and

complete  physical  mailing  address  with telephone, facsimile, email on a

separate  page  so  that  we  are  able  to  ensure anonymity in the review


Contributors  will  be  notified no later than Friday 6th April 2001 by the

ISSI  2001 Conference  Organising Chair if their abstract has been selected

for a paper presentation or as a poster.

Full  papers  in the correct format ready for publication in the Conference

Proceedings must be received

by  the  Conference  Secretariat  -  UNSW,  School  of Information Systems,

Technology and Management,

Sydney 2052 AUSTRALIA - no later than Friday 8th June 2001.

Please Note: Earlier Submissions Accepted

Countries that require longer time to apply for funding to attend, such as

India, may send their submissions to the Australian Organising Committee

earlier than the above deadline to allow for early reviewing and

acceptances to be given.

Dr Mari Davis
Chair, Australian Organising Committee
8th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics
The University of New South Wales
Sydney Australia 2052

Tel: +61 2 9385 7127
Fax: +61 2 9662 4061
Email: issi2001 at

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