Apocalypse Commentary and a World-Wide Renewal for Faith and Science after 700 Years...
albert j. pinto
Fri Nov 3 06:27:09 EST 2000
From: "albert j. pinto" <alpinto at bellatlantic.net>
Subject: A major rediscovery for faith and science
CC: ExLibris.Library.Berkeley.Edu
Apocalypse Commentary and a World-Wide Renewal for Faith and Science after
700 Years...
(Less than Ten Full Copies of Albert's Great Corpus Remain in American
Libraries...Good News?)
News Link: Albert the Great - Grand Master of the Ancient Sciences,
Philosophy and Timeless Theology after 700 Years is Rediscovered on
Last Catholic Doctor and Saint with a Fully-Scienced Commentary on the
Albertus Magnus...Essential and Universal Doctor for Our Fact-Flooded Global
UPPER DARBY, PENNSYLVANIA, The 18,000 page, 2.6 gigabyte omni-scienced
corpus (complete works) of Albert the Great, patron of scientists, are now
digitized and available on CD-ROM. Very few libraries have the Corpus in any
format... A major rediscovery for faith and science. See year 2000 prices...
Dear Client: Peace...
The price of a fully searchable and re-edited Opera
Omnia would sell for more than $3000... We offer solid tiff
files without word by word search functions. Also, one of the
smaller works (a dubious-spurious work called the "Philosophia
Pauperum") has a number of corrupt pages from the 17th century
text. We were not going to include it for obvious reasons; but
I still have not made up my mind - so I have left it as is (40 of
the 230 pages of that dubious work are corrupted or unreadable).
That still leaves over 18,000 quarto-volume pages (or over 78,000
modern pages?) in very good shape. For Personal Scholars ($399) a
choice of Mac or PC - not both (and the Mac version is a better graphics
program). We sell two Personal Copy versions for twice the price to
scholars: which provides double access and a back-up version as well. Unlike
other commercial offering I know, these may be transferred to DVD (and
users may apply any future search program they prefer to the Cds on their
- because we sell the Cds in a totally-unlocked format. As such, sales are
final. I am devout Albertist: I still derive profound satisfaction from this
Please make payment in advance to receive over 40 volumes of truth:
* $399 Personal Copy
* $899 Institutional-Mastercopy
* $1799 Campus-Wide
If purchasing, send Check or Money Order payable to Albert Pinto:
Address: Opus Doctorum Foundation
c/o Albert Pinto
7166 Marshall Rd. First Floor Rear
Upper Darby, PA 19082
(Please specify whether you are a Macintosh or PC User, Thank you!)
Any questions? E-mail me: apinto at albertthegreat.com
scholastically yours,
Albert Pinto - http://www.AlbertTheGreat.Com
Pricing Details:
Personal Copy ($399) - This Opera Omnia Set is made for
personal study, not for commercial reproduction in part,
and is generously discounted for scholars and teachers.
Institutional Mastercopy ($899) - This Opera Omnia Set is
in a totally unlocked format for libraries and institutes
who provide partial reproductions, photostating services,
and other commercial services for the purpose of study -
not reproductions of the entire CD-ROM Opera Omnia for resale.
Networking Campus-Wide Mastercopy ($1799) - This Opera Omnia
Double Collection (unlocked in Mac and PC Storage Mastercopies)
may be placed on university servers for campus-wide access.
The Opera Omnia may be fully manipulated for any server program.
Make Payable to: Albert Pinto
(But if sponsoring seminarians
or scholars make payable to
Opus Doctorum Foundation:)
Opus Doctorum Foundation
c/o Albert J. Pinto
7166 Marshall Road - First Floor Rear
Upper Darby, PA 19082 U.S.A.
Or you may make the exchange rate easier by wire
transfer at your bank. Send noted U.S. currency
price by way of your bank assistant to:
First Union Bank:
via: ABA Routing #031201467
To: Account #1014198782047
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