1985 Special Memorial Issue of Scientometrics - Tribute to Derek Price (fwd)

Ted Brandhorst tbrandho at INET.ED.GOV
Wed May 10 11:42:53 EDT 2000

        Please send your proferred gratis copy (if any are left) to me at the ERIC
Facility, 4483-A Forbes Blvd., Lanham, MD 20706.
                                                        Ted Brandhorst

At 06:21 PM 5/9/00 -0400, you wrote:
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Tue, 9 May 2000 14:02:06 -0400
>From: "Garfield, Eugene" <Garfield at codex.cis.upenn.edu>
>Subject: 1985 Special Memorial Issue of Scientometrics - Tribute to Derek
>Dear Colleagues
>In March 1985 a special memorial issue dedicated to Derek Price was
>published by Scientometrics.  At that time ISI purchased a large number of
>copies for distribution to friends and colleagues.
>I recently uncovered several boxes of this issue which contains a great
>photograph of Derek and the following list of papers...
>        CONTENTS
>Instead of a Preface    137
>Derek John de Solla Price Memorial Award        139
>Eugene Garfield Wins the 1984 Derek John de Solla Price Award   141
>M.      J. Moravcsik (USA): Address at the Presentation of the First Derek
>de Solla
>          Price Award to Eugene Garfield on December 20, 1984   143
>J.      Marton (Hungary): Obsolescence or Immediacy? Evidence Supporting
>          Hypothesis    145
>A.      Schubert, S. Zsindely, T. Braun (Hungary): Scientometric Indicators
>          Evaluating Medical Research Output of Mid-Size Countries      155
>M.      J. Moravcsik (USA): Applied Scientometrics: An Assessment
>         for Developing Countries       165
>          Barbara Stefaniak (Poland): Periodical Literature of Information
>Science as
>          Reflected in Referativnyj Zhurnal, Section 59, Informatika    177
>R.      Todorov (Bulgaria): Distribution of Physics Literature  195
>W.      Glänzel, A. Schubert (Hungary): Price Distribution. An Exact
>Formulation of
>          Price's "Square Root Law"     211
>D.      E. Chubin (USA): Beyond Invisible Colleges: Inspirations and
>Aspirations of
>         Post-1972 Social Studies of Science    221
>J. S. Long, R. McGinnis (USA): Teaching Sponsorship and Collaboration. The
>          Effects of the Mentor on the Academic Career  255
>J.      Irvine, B. R. Martin (UK): Evaluating Big Science: CERN's Past
>         and Future Prospects   281
>G.      M. Dobrov, V. E. Tonkal (USSR): Comparative Analysis and Estimation
>         Competence of Research Units   309
>M.      Kochen, J. Lansing (USA): On Maps for Discovery: Did the Periodic
>         Guide Elemental Discovery? .   327
>C.      Mombers, A. Van Heeringen, R. Van Venetiö, C. Le Pair (The
>          Displaying Strengths and Weaknesses in National R&D Performance
>         Through Document Cocitation    341
>N.      C. Mullins (USA): Invisible Colleges as Science Elites  357
>F.      Narin, E. Noma (USA): Is Technology Becoming Science?   369
>Elizabeth Smith Aversa (USA): Citation Patterns of Highly Cited Papers and
>         Their Relationship to Literature Aging: A Study of the Working
>Literature      383
>H.      Small, E. Sweeney (USA): Clustering the Science Citation Index®
>         Co-citations I. A Comparison of Methods        391
>H.      1. Christovão (Brasil): The Aging of the Literature of Biomedical
>Sciences in
>    Developed and Developing Countries     411
>Suzan E. Cozzens (USA): Using the Archive: Derek Price's Theory of
>    among the Sciences  431
>S. Cole, G. S. Meyer (USA): Little Science, Big Science Revisited       443
>A. I. Yablonsky (USSR): Stable Non-Gaussian Distributions in Scientometrics
>M. Bonitz (GDR): Journal Ranking by Selective Impact, New Method Based on
>    SDI Results and Journal Impact Factors      471
>E. Garfield (USA): In Tribute to Derek John de Solla Price: A Citation
>    of Little Science, Big Science      487
>J. VIachy (Czechoslovakia): Citation Histories of Scientific Publications.
>     Data Sources       505
>Short Communication     529
>T.      Braun, S. Zsindely ,(Hungary): Growth of Scientific Literature and
>        Barnaby Rich Effect     529
>I would be happy to send out gratis copies of this issue on a
>first-come-first-serve basis to members of the SIG-Metrics group.
>Please send me your postal address with your request.
>Best wishes,
>Gene Garfield
>Eugene Garfield, Ph.D.
>Chairman Emeritus, ISI, 3501 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
>Publisher, THE SCIENTIST, 3600 Market St,
>Philadelphia, PA 19104 (www.the-scientist.com)
>Tel: 215-243-2205 // Fax: 215-387-1266
>email:  garfield at codex.cis.upenn.edu
>The Scientist: http://www.the-scientist.com
>Home Page: http://garfield.library.upenn.edu
Ted Brandhorst, Director
ERIC Processing and Reference Facility
Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC)
4483-A Forbes Boulevard
Lanham, Maryland 20706

Telephone: 301-429-2100
FAX:  301-552-4700
e-mail:  tbrandho at inet.ed.gov
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