News in Cybermetrics ejournal

Isidro F. Aguillo isidro at CINDOC.CSIC.ES
Tue Feb 1 12:42:33 EST 2000

Dear colleagues:

We recently updated again the information provided by ejournal
Cybermetrics and we discover a large amount of new resources about this
emerging discipline. It is very promising the high number of articles
but also the diversity of topics. As usual we added other links about
statistics, journals, institutions and researchers, but it is very
difficult and time consuming for us the revision of broken links. If you
know of more resources or new links we will tank to hear from you.

As usual we specially interested in new papers. We have a problem ( ;-)
) because the quality requirements of our reviewers are so high that we
have a reject ratio of about 50%, so we badly need more originals.
Thanks in advance.

Finally, let me introduce the last accepted item:

Daily time series of common single word searches in AltaVista and
by Ronald Rousseau
ronald.rousseau at

Over the past year the AltaVista search engine provided irregular
numbers of hits. This is shown by collecting a time series of daily
searches. The new AltaVista (on the Web since October 25, 1999) is much
more stable, but not all problems have been eliminated. The same
searches performed on NorthernLight gave stable results. It is suggested
to use filtering techniques, such as median filtering, when dealing with
irregular time series. An attempt is made to estimate the growth of the
Web (as covered by a search engine), based on neutral single word
searches. It turned out that this method systematically underestimates
the growth of the Web. Collecting time series should be an essential
part of Internet research.
Isidro F. AGUILLO                  isidro at
CINDOC-CSIC                        Tel: +34-91-563.54.82
Joaquin Costa, 22                  Fax: +34-91-564.26.44
28002 Madrid. ESPAÑA/SPAIN
Programas Europeos (
Editor Cybermetrics (
Oficina SOST (

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