[Sigmet-officers] clarifying some confusion

Smalheiser, Neil R neils at uic.edu
Wed May 9 12:18:22 EDT 2018

I think there is some confusion about fees for the workshop. Despite the fact that I carried over discussion of fees in the workshop proposal (because it was there previously and I largely kept what was there last year), we actually have no say on what the workshop fees are. These are set by ASIST. Here, again, is what ASIST told us in the workshop acceptance letter:
SIG workshops will be priced as follows:
SIG Full-Day		Early Bird	Advance	On-Site	
ASIST Member		$      230.00 	 $      255.00 	 $        280.00 
ASIST Non-Member	$      260.00 	 $      285.00 	 $        310.00 

This pricing represents a $30 discount off of the non-SIG workshop pricing. Rather than offering a discount to SIG members, we are assuming that all ASIS&T members could be SIG members and they receive an additional $30 discount as a member.

Note that SIGs hosting full-day sessions will receive a credit of $40 back per person. 

Should your SIG wish to offer an additional discount to students, you may do that in one of two ways. You may choose to waive your rebate for students, thus giving them the additional $30-40 discount. Alternatively, you may fund those discounts from existing SIG funds or through an external sponsorship. Please let us know that you wish to do that not later than May 14 so that the discount can be reflected in the registration system. We cannot process requests for discounts once registration has opened.

What this means is that if we waive our rebate alone, which will not deplete our existing bank balance,  Student registration will be 
				Early Bird	Advance	On-Site
Student ASIST member 		$ 190		$215		$240
Student ASIST non-member	$220		$245		$270

This is still $40 off the regular member prices, which was the amount of the discount offered in the workshop proposal draft. 

What I propose is that we waive our $40 for each student. Plus, each student who is not a member of ASIST should pay the rates listed above, but we will automatically pay their dues for one year for ASIST which allows them to be a SIG MET member too. This will grow our ranks, hopefully. That would cost an additional $40 per student non-member who registers -- maybe ?$400 or so, depending on how many students fall into this category. Also, remember that those who win the best student paper award will get a free membership too. 

We need to decide and let ASIST know our plan by May 14!


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