[Sigmet-officers] SIG/MET Newsletter

Angela Zoss amzoss at indiana.edu
Tue Jun 28 01:42:45 EDT 2011

Hi everyone,

As Jonathan mentioned, I've started some of the preparatory work for the
newsletter.  Here are the topics he suggested:

-announcement of the paper contest
-biographies of the winner and runner-up of the paper contest
-announcement of workshop and panel (if accepted)
-forthcoming events (e.g., webinar)
-names and contact details of the officers
-information on the election of officers for 2011-12
-URLs of the SIG/MET web-site and SIGMETRICS list

I would love feedback on the following questions:

Are there any other forthcoming events?
What is the status of the webinar?
Are there any other topics we should cover in the newsletter?
Has anything been formalized for the election of 2011-12 officers? (If my
assumptions and calculations are correct, the nominating committee should be
appointed by July 31 and the elections held by August 28.  See document

I have some drafted content up at:


Thanks for any feedback!

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