[Sigmet-officers] Webmar debate

Jonathan Levitt jonathan at levitt.net
Fri Jul 22 08:05:34 EDT 2011

Dear all,
I am a bit hampered by not having Cassidy’s notes on the SIG/MET meeting, but cannot delay pressing on with SIG meters (I am going on my annual holiday in August).  I recall two suggestions from our discussions on the Webmar debate:
(1)      The strengths and weaknesses of using citation data in the humanities.
(2)      The strengths and weaknesses of using citation data.
I prefer the second proposal for two reasons: (a) we were unable to find a person who we thought would defend using citation data in the humanities and (b) the second topic is more closely related to our accepted panel on the use of informetric information and could attract participants at our panel.  
My suggestions are:
Topic: The strengths and weaknesses of using citation data.
Time of day: Afternoon (EST) so at to be a comfortable time of day for members from California and Europe.
Date of week: Saturday or Sunday.
Month: September. 
Speakers: One from Holland (Loet or Henk) and one from Belgium (Ronald or Wolfgang).
Moderator: A particularly experienced SIG/MET officer (Dietmar  or Judit).
Cost: $14.99 for members of ASIST or ISSI; $49.99 for other people.
Could you please let me know what you think?
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