[SigLAN-L] RLG DigiNews October issue Table of Contents

Janet M. Arth arth at tc.umn.edu
Tue Nov 12 12:16:05 EST 2002

RLG DigiNews
   October 15, 2002, Volume 6, Number 5

   Table of Contents

   Feature Article 1
     Developing a 3D Digital Library for Spatial Data: Issues Identified 
and Description of Prototype, by Jeremy Rowe

   Feature Article 2
     The National Science Foundation Digital Government Research Program's 
Role in the Long-Term Preservation of Digital Materials, by Larry Brandt, 
Valerie Gregg, and Sue Stendebach

   Highlighted Web Site
     National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program 

     Reference Linking

   Calendar of Events


   RLG News

fyi, Janet (list-admin)

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