[Sigia-l] Annotated Wires

Tom Donehower tdonehower at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 14:47:04 EST 2013


Was wondering if anyone has stumbled upon a great workflow/tool for
annotating, sharing and managing wireframes.

Currently I create my wires in Keynote, export as PDF and then copy into a
Keynote annotation template I use. I've been doing it this way for a long
time and some of the biggest issues I run into are:

1. The little numbers: Seems like a no-brainer that there should be an
automated numbering/ID system for annotations to automatically update
whether you're adding or deleting annotations.

2. Space: Often times I'll run out of space on a single page for
annotations and need to copy over to another page. Seems like there should
be a better way.

3. Client Comments: I used to use IWork to share and capture client
comments, but now that's gone:-(. There's got to be something else just as
good, I just haven't been able to find it.

I used to use Axure a while ago and liked the annotation capability.
However, I found the widget interface too slow compared to Keynote. If
possible, I'd like to continue to use Keynote to create my wires and avoid
having to use a new tool. However, open to suggestions and what others have

Any suggestions greatly appreciated. I'll compile recommendations and send
back to the group.


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