[Sigia-l] Call for Participation: Euro HCIR Workshop @ HCI2011 in Newcastle, July 4

Jim Kalbach jim.kalbach at gmail.com
Mon Mar 21 05:55:10 EDT 2011

## euroHCIR2011 @ HCI2011 || Call for Participation ##

1st European Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information

July 4 at the BCS HCI2011 Conference, Newcastle, UK


   - We want to stimulate the European HCIR community with a series of
   workshops similar to successful HCIR events in the states.
   - Submission Deadline: 1st May 2011
   - Details are online: http://fitlab.eu/euroHCIR2011/
   - More about HCIR on Wikipedia:

CALL FOR PAPERS (anonymous 2-4 page position papers):
In common with the wider HCIR community, this workshop will be focused on
submissions based on, but not limited to, the following topics:

   - Case studies demonstrating novel interaction with information (e.g.,
   faceted navigation)
   - Exploratory search and information discovery (e.g., auto-complete,
   suggested terms)
   - Information visualization
   - Design and evaluation of search and browse interfaces (e.g., usability
   studies of search)
   - Ethnography and user studies relevant to search and navigation
   - Personalization techniques in search

Industry - The enterprise and web search experiences from professionals,
such as IAs and UX designers, are a key part of understanding excellence in
HCIR design. We are inviting case studies and position papers that go beyond
a simple narrative to describe lessons learned for the community.
**Industry submissions will be evaluated more in terms of their
contributions to lessons learned than through pure academic merit.**

Academia - From the research community, we are interested in late breaking
results, or challenging, controversial, or insightful position papers that
might shape the way the HCIR community thinks ahead.
** Academic contributions will be evaluated in terms of their contribution
to the thinking and discussion for the workshop and the community.**

Participants must submit anonymised 2-4 page ACM format PDFs to the
EasyChair page, optionally indicating whether the submission is from
industry or academia. More details will appear on


   - 1st May 2011 - Submissions Due
   - 20th May 2011 - Notifications
   - 2nd Jun 2011 - Camera Ready versions
   - 4th July 2011 – Workshop

Registration details will appear on the HCI2011.co.uk<http://www.hci2011.co.uk/>

Tony Russell-Rose (Industry)
Endeca, UK
trose - at - endeca.com <http://www.endeca.com/>

Max L. Wilson (Academia)
Swansea University, UK
m.l.wilson - at - swansea.ac.uk <http://www.swansea.ac.uk/>

James Kalbach (Industry)
LexisNexis, Germany
James.Kalbach - at - lexisnexis.co.uk <http://www.lexisnexis.co.uk/>

Birger Larsen (Academia)
Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark
blar - at - iva.dk <http://www.iva.dk/>

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