[Sigia-l] A list of conferences/deadlines with relevance to our community

Mads Soegaard mads at interaction-design.org
Wed Dec 21 18:49:07 EST 2011

Dear all,

[apologies for cross-postings]

Here is my curated list of conferences/deadlines with relevance to our community, which I usually send out every quarter (or so).

If you're organizing a conference not already on the list, please add it at:

There's also a printerfriendly version (for hanging on your wall) at 

*************** The conference calendar ************
All dates can be edited at

AUIC 2012 - The 13th Australasian User Interface Conference
Melbourne, Australia
>From Jan 30 to Feb 02 2012

15 August 2011: Submission Deadline 

More info on http://cis.unisa.edu.au/conferences/auic2012/ 

Interaction 12
Dublin, Ireland
>From Feb 01 to Feb 04 2012

31 July 2011: Call for Presenters Deadline 
30 August 2011: Early Bird Registration Deadline 

More info on http://interaction12.ixda.org/ 

ServDes2012 - Third Service Design and Service Innovation Conference
Espoo, Finland
>From Feb 08 to Feb 10 2012

30 September 2011: Submission deadline 
24 January 2012: Registration deadline 

More info on http://www.servdes.org 

World IA Day 2012
1 Day. 14 Cities
>From Feb 11 to Feb 11 2012


More info on http://worldiaday.org 

CSCW 2012 - ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Bellevue, Washington, USA
>From Feb 11 to Feb 15 2012

3 June 2011: Papers and Notes Submission Deadline 
15 December 2011: Early Registration Deadline 
1 February 2012: Late Registration Deadline 

More info on http://cscw2012.org/ 

IUI - International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
Lisbon, Portugal
>From Feb 14 to Feb 17 2012

21 October 2011: Long, short, and doctoral session paper submission 
15 November 2011: Demo Submission Deadline 

More info on http://iuiconf.org/ 

TEI 2012 - Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction Conference
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
>From Feb 19 to Feb 22 2012

1 September 2011: Paper and Studio Submission Deadline 
1 November 2011: Graduate Consortium, Art Exhibits, Design Challenge Deadline 

More info on http://www.tei-conf.org/12/ 

7th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2012)
>From Feb 24 to Feb 26 2012

11 October 2011: Regular Paper Submission 
2 December 2011: Authors Notification (regular papers) 
15 December 2011: Final Regular Paper Submission and Registration 

More info on http://www.visigrapp.org 

HotMobile 2012 - The 13th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications
San Diego, California, USA
>From Feb 28 to Feb 29 2012

14 January 2012: Posters and Demos 
23 January 2012: Doctoral Consortium 

More info on http://www.hotmobile.org/2012/index.php 

100th ACSA Annual Meeting
MIT, Cambirdge (USA)
>From Mar 01 to Mar 04 2012

14 September 2012: Submission Deadline 

More info on https://www.acsa-arch.org/conferences/100.aspx 

IEEE Virtual Reality 2012
Orange County, California
>From Mar 04 to Mar 08 2012

15 September 2011: Submission Deadline 

More info on http://conferences.computer.org/vr/2012/ 

2012 IEEE Haptics Symposium
Vancouver, Canada
>From Mar 04 to Mar 07 2012

16 September 2011: Paper Submission Deadline 
13 October 2011: Tutorial / Workshop Proposals Deadline 
21 November 2011: Author Notification 
19 December 2011: Demo Submission 

More info on http://www.interaction-design.org/calendar/detailed_info.html?eventID= 

MX 2012
San Francisco
>From Mar 04 to Mar 05 2012


More info on http://mxconference.com/2012/ 

ES2012 - IADIS International Conference e-Society 2012
Berlin, Germany
>From Mar 10 to Mar 13 2012

28 October 2011: Submission Deadline 

More info on http://www.esociety-conf.org/ 

ICIC 2012 - 4th ACM International Conference on Intercultural Collaboration
Bengaluru, India
>From Mar 21 to Mar 23 2012

1 October 2012: Full Papers and Panels 
1 November 2012: Demos and Doctoral Consortium: 
14 December 2012: Late-Breaking Papers 

More info on http://langrid.nict.go.jp/icic2012/ 

IA Summit 2012
New Orleans, Louisiana, US
>From Mar 21 to Mar 25 2012

14 January 2012: Early Bird Registration and Poster Deadline 
31 October 2012: Submission Deadline 

More info on http://2012.iasummit.org 

ETRA 2012 - Eye Tracking Research and Applications
Santa Barbara, CA
>From Mar 28 to Mar 30 2012

7 October 2011: Full Paper abstracts submission due 
14 October 2011: Full Papers submission due 

More info on http://www.etra2012.org 

ECIR 2012 - The 34th European Conference on Information Retrieval
Barcelona, Spain
>From Apr 01 to Apr 05 2012

11 September 2011: Tutorials/Workshops Deadline 
2 October 2011: Full Papers Deadline 
16 October 2011: Posters/Demos Deadline 
27 November 2011: Industry Day Deadline 

More info on http://ecir2012.upf.edu/ 

W2GIS 2012 - 11th International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems
Naples, Italy
>From Apr 12 to Apr 13 2012

30 October 2011: Notification of acceptance 
31 October 2011: Full paper submission 
10 December 2011: Camera-Ready copy due 

More info on http://www.w2gis.org 

W4A 2012 - International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility
Lyon, France
>From Apr 16 to Apr 17 2012

4 February 2012: Submission Deadline 
28 February 2012: Notification 

More info on http://www.w4a.info/2012/ 

WWW 2012
Lyon, France
>From Apr 16 to Apr 20 2012

1 November 2011: Abstract submission deadline 
7 November 2011: Full paper deadline 

More info on http://wwwconference.org/www2012/ 

DeSForM 2012: MEANING.MATTER.MAKING.7th International Conference on the Design and Semantics of Form and Movement.
Wellington, New Zealand
>From Apr 18 to Apr 20 2012

19 August 2011: Abstracts for proposed research papers, performances and demonstrations 
11 November 2011: Final submissions for full research papers and papers for performances and demonstrations 

More info on http://desform2012.schoolofdesign.ac.nz/ 

CI 2012 - Collective Intelligence 2012
MIT campus in Cambridge, MA, USA
>From Apr 18 to Apr 20 2012

18 November 2012: Submission Deadline 

More info on http://www.ci2012.org/ 

CHI 2012 - ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Austin TX, United States
>From May 05 to May 10 2012

23 September 2011: Papers and Notes 
30 September 2011: Courses 
7 October 2011: Doctoral Consortium, Workshop Proposals, Case Studies, Panels 
13 January 2012: Works-In-Progress, alt.chi, Student Competitions, Workshop Submissions 

More info on http://chi2012.acm.org/ 

Workshop on Methods to Account for Values in Human-Centered Computing 2012
Austin, Texas, USA
>From May 05 to May 05 2012

3 January 2012: Position paper submission 
10 February 2012: Notification: 

More info on http://mmi.tudelft.nl/ValuesInDesign/ 

Ux Lx - User Experience Lisbon 2012
Lisbon, Portugal
>From May 16 to May 18 2012


More info on http://www.ux-lx.com/ 

The 6th International ICST Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare
San Diego, California, United States
>From May 21 to May 24 2012

1 February 2012: Paper submission deadline 

More info on http://pervasivehealth.org/ 

AVI 2012 - International Working Conference on Advanced User Interfaces
Capri, Italy
>From May 21 to May 25 2012

21 December 2011: Paper abstract submission deadline 
28 December 2012: Paper submission deadline 

More info on http://www.avi2012.it 

13th Int. Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS 2012)
Dublin, Ireland
>From May 23 to May 25 2012

3 February 2012: Paper submission deadline 

More info on http://wiamis.dcu.ie 

GI 2012 - 38th Annual Canadian Graphics Interface conference
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
>From May 25 to May 27 2012

20 December 2011: Paper Submission Deadline 
3 March 2012: Author notification 
5 April 2012: Posters submission 
15 April 2012: Posters notification 

More info on http://web.cs.dal.ca/~sbrooks/gi2012/ 

Foundations of Digital Games
Raleigh, North Carolina
>From May 29 to Jun 01 2012

17 October 2011: Workshop Proposals 
19 December 2011: Paper Submissions 

More info on http://www.fdg2012.org/ 

The International Symposium on Pervasive Displays 2012
Porto, Portugal
>From Jun 04 to Jun 05 2012

16 January 2012: Paper submisison deadline 
20 February 2012: Poster and video submission deadline 

More info on http://www.pervasivedisplays.org/ 

ICWSM-12 - AAAI International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media
Dublin, Ireland
>From Jun 04 to Jun 08 2012

14 December 2011: Workshop Proposals 
9 January 2012: Tutorial Proposals 
13 January 2012: Abstracts Due 
18 January 2012: Full Papers Due (if Abstract submitted) 

More info on http://www.icswm.org 

ICWSM 2012 - International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media
Dublin, Ireland
>From Jun 04 to Jun 08 2012

14 December 2011: Sbumission Deadline for Workshop Proposals 
9 January 2012: Submission Deadline for Tutorials 
13 January 2012: Abstracts Submission Deadline 
18 January 2012: Technical Paper Submission Deadline 

More info on http://www.icwsm.org/2012 

Designing Interactive Systems 2012
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
>From Jun 11 to Jun 15 2012

9 December 2011: Workshop Proposals 
20 January 2012: Paper Submissions 

More info on http://www.dis2012.org 

ECOOP 2012 - European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
Beijing, China
>From Jun 11 to Jun 16 2012

7 December 2012: Submission Deadline 

More info on http://ecoop12.cs.purdue.edu/ 

IDC 2012 - Interaction Design and Children
Bremen, Germany
>From Jun 12 to Jun 15 2012

16 January 2012: Submission deadline full papers 
5 March 2012: Submission deadline short papers 

More info on http://dimeb.informatik.uni-bremen.de/idc2012/index.htm 

CiE 2012 - Turing Centenary Conference
Cambridge, UK
>From Jun 18 to Jun 23 2012

20 January 2012: Submission Deadline 

More info on http://www.cie2012.eu 

EICS2012 - Engineering Interactive Computing Systems
Copenhagen, Denmark
>From Jun 25 to Jun 28 2012

19 December 2011: Long paper and workshop proposal submission 
9 March 2012: Late-breaking results, demonstrations, tutorials and doctoral consortium submission 

More info on http://eics2012.org 

ICEIS 2012
Wroclaw, Poland
>From Jun 28 to Jul 01 2012

14 February 2012: Regular Paper Submission: 

More info on http://www.iceis.org 

Diagrams 2012
Canterbury, UK
>From Jul 02 to Jul 06 2012

8 December 2011: Paper Submission Deadline 

More info on http://www.diagrams-conference.org/2012/content/home 

EuroITV 2012 - European interactive TV and video conference
Berlin, Germany
>From Jul 04 to Jul 06 2012

12 November 2011: Submission deadline for tutorials and workshops 
21 January 2012: Submission deadline for full papers 
4 March 2012: Submission deadline for short papers, posters, demos, doctoral consortium 
4 April 2012: Submission deadline for iTV in industry 

More info on http://www.euroitv2012.org/ 

IIHCI 2012 - 5th International Workshop on Intelligent Interfaces for Human-Computer Interaction
Palermo, Italy
>From Jul 04 to Jul 06 2012

15 January 2012: Submission Deadline 
15 February 2012: Review Notification 

More info on http://www.ihealthlab.icar.cnr.it/iihci2012/ 

IEEE ICALT 2012 - International conference on Advanced Learning Technologies and Technology-enhanced Learning
Rome, Italy
>From Jul 04 to Jul 06 2012

30 December 2011: Submission Deadline 
1 February 2012: Submissions Deadline for Doctoral Consortium 

More info on http://www.scuolaiad.it/ICALT2012 

Electronic Visualisation and the Arts London 2012
London, UK
>From Jul 10 to Jul 12 2012

22 January 2012: Call for proposals 

More info on http://www.eva-london.org/ 

UMAP 2012 - 20th international Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personallization
Montreal, Canada
>From Jul 16 to Jul 20 2012

24 January 2012: Research Papers (abstracts) 
31 January 2012: Research Papers (full papers) 
7 February 2012: Doctoral Consortium Papers 
13 May 2012: Demonstrations and Posters 

More info on http://umap2012.polymtl.ca/en/ 

PDC 2012 - The 12th biennial Participatory Design Conference
Roskilde, Denmark
>From Aug 12 to Aug 16 2012

3 February 2012: Submission Deadline 
1 June 2012: Final version due 

More info on http://pdc2012.org 

Nijmegen, the Netherlands
>From Aug 25 to Aug 25 2012

22 June 2012: Submission Deadline 

More info on http://fitlab.eu/euroHCIR2012/ 

APCHI2012 - The 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction
Matsue, Japan
>From Aug 28 to Aug 31 2012

1 February 2012: Submission of full paper 
1 May 2012: Submission of short papers/posters and interactive demos 

More info on http://apchi2012.org/ 

Fun and Games 2012 - The 4th International Conference on Fun and Games
Toulouse, France
>From Sep 04 to Sep 06 2012

20 February 2012: Tutorials, Workshop, Fun and Food Concepts 
12 March 2012: Full papers, short papers 
30 April 2012: Work-in-progress, Demonstrations 
31 May 2012: Game design competition 

More info on http://FNG2012.org/ 

OSS 2012 - The Eighth International Conference on Open Source Systems
Hammamet, Tunisia
>From Sep 10 to Sep 13 2012

9 March 2012: Submission Deadline 
15 June 2012: Early Registration Deadline 

More info on http://oss2012.org/ 

8th International Conference on Design and Emotion: OUT OF CONTROL
London, UK
>From Sep 11 to Sep 14 2012

1 February 2012: Papers and Case Study submissions 

More info on http://www.csm.arts.ac.uk/de2012/ 

3rd International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology ICEEPSY 2012
Istanbul, Turkey
>From Oct 10 to Oct 13 2012

31 March 2012: Submission Deadline 
30 June 2012: Registration Deadline 

More info on http://www.iceepsy.org 

VIEW Conference 2012
Turin, Italy
>From Oct 16 to Oct 19 2012


More info on http://viewconference.it/ 

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 56th Annual Meeting
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
>From Oct 22 to Oct 26 2012


More info on 

ICMI 2012 - International Conference on Multimodal Interaction
Santa Monica, California, USA
>From Oct 22 to Oct 26 2012

22 December 2011: ICMI Grand Challenge Proposals 
1 March 2012: ICMI Workshop proposals due 
7 March 2012: ICMI Special session proposals due 
4 May 2012: ICMI Paper Submission Deadline 
22 June 2012: ICMI Demo proposals due 

More info on http://www.acm.org/icmi/2012 

HCSE 2012 - Human-Centred Software Engineering
Toulouse, France
>From Oct 29 to Oct 31 2012

28 May 2012: Submission deadline (all tracks) 

More info on http://hcse-conference.org 

DUXU 2013: Design, User Experience, and Usability
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
>From Jul 20 to Jul 25 2013

1 December 2012: Papers due about December 2012. Check the Website for details. 
25 July 2013: Registration Deadline 

More info on http://www.hcii2013.org 


If you feel something is missing, or if you find errors, please go to 
http://www.interaction-design.org/calendar/ and make additions or corrections.


Best regards from Denmark,

Mads Soegaard, Editor-in-Chief

Please spend 7 seconds helping our Open Content efforts: Share a link 
to Interaction-Design.org with your friends (e.g. on Facebook, Twitter, Digg, etc)

Address: Chr. Molbechs Vej 4, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark 
Mobile : +45 2629 5505
Web : http://www.interaction-design.org/references/authors/mads_soegaard.html 

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