[Sigia-l] WUD 2010 Event: Simplify This! UX Lunchtime Workshop, London UK

Jonathan Baker-Bates jonathan at bakerbates.com
Mon Nov 1 13:02:24 EDT 2010

- Will you be in London for World Usability Day (11th November, in case
anyone's forgotten)?

- Able to get to Covent Garden for your lunch hour?

- Don't want to pay for anything (including tasty food)?

If so, then don't miss Giles Colborne presenting his workshop "Simplify
This!" at the offices of Expedia Inc. at 12:30-2:00pm!

For more information, see here:

http://simplyfythis.eventbrite.com  (Places are incredibly restricted so
book now)


PS: If you fancy working for Expedia at any point as a User Experience
Designer (hotels.com currently have two open positions), this would be a
great opportunity to see what it's like.

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