[Sigia-l] Online Font Face Preferences Research?

Judith.A.Blankman at wellsfargo.com Judith.A.Blankman at wellsfargo.com
Tue Sep 15 18:29:36 EDT 2009

We are being asked by a central brand team (that is setting standards for internal and external) to justify (don't laugh) the choice of a sans serif font (Verdana) over a serif font (Georgia) for an enterprise intranet's primary font. We are designing headers and some topmost nav in Georgia, but the rest in Verdana. I've found some old research online about user preferences regarding sans-serif, which is good, but a bit old. I was hoping that there were some gurus and top experts out there who have stated the obvious in some sort of recent (2007-2009?) respectable research that can't be argued with.

I know I'm asking for the moon here, but this is the silly pickle we're in. Anything quotable that you can point to, would be great. If you are a quotable expert, all the better. I will gladly quote your email response.


Judith Blankman
Sr. Information Architect | Team Member Portal Experience & Support
Team Member Marketing | Human Resources
Wells Fargo Corporation
judith.a.blankman at wellsfargo.com<mailto:judith.a.blankman at wellsfargo.com>

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