[Sigia-l] A list of conference dates/deadlines with relevance to our community

Mads Soegaard mads at interaction-design.org
Tue Sep 1 08:41:01 EDT 2009

Dear all,

[apologies for cross-postings]

I've compiled a list of conference dates/deadlines with relevance to
our community. I aim to send an updated overview every once in a

There's a printerfriendly version (for hanging on your wall) at
or a world map at http://www.interaction-design.org/calendar/map.html

If you feel something is missing, or if you find errors, please go to
http://www.interaction-design.org/calendar/ and make additions or corrections.

ISWC 2009, International Symposium on Wearable Computers
Linz, Austria
>From Sep 04 to Sep 07 2009

5 April 2009: Submission Deadline (Full Papers, Posters, Notes)
18 May 2009: Submission Deadline (Late Breaking Results, Design Contest)

More info on http://www.iswc.net

HCI4MED 09 - 2nd Workshop on HCI for Medicine and Health Care
Cambridge, UK
>From Sep 05 to Sep 05 2009


More info on http://hci4all.at/hci4med09.html

Mensch und Computer 2009
Berlin, Germany
>From Sep 06 to Sep 09 2009

6 July 2009: Early Bird Registration (Anmeldung mit Frühbucherrabatt)
31 August 2009: Online Registration (Online-Anmeldung)

More info on http://www2.hu-berlin.de/mc2009/

Barcelona, Spain
>From Sep 07 to Sep 09 2009

15 April 2009: Submission Deadline
10 June 2009: Final Version

More info on http://interaccion2009.aipo.es/

Cambridge, United Kingdom
>From Sep 07 to Sep 08 2009

27 April 2009: All paper categories (Scientific, Industrial/Demo,
Student Short)

More info on http://ihcs.irit.fr/tamodia2009/

ECSCW09 Conference
Vienna, Austria
>From Sep 07 to Sep 11 2009

6 March 2009: Full/short papers submissions due
3 April 2009: All other submissions due

More info on http://www.ecscw09.org

Workshop on Affective Brain-Computer Interfaces (ABCI 2009)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
>From Sep 09 to Sep 09 2009

22 June 2009: Submission Deadline

More info on http://hmi.ewi.utwente.nl/abci2009/

HAID'09, 4th International Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design
Dresden, Germany
>From Sep 10 to Sep 11 2009

19 June 0000: Posters and demos due for submission
20 April 2009: Papers due for submission

More info on http://www.ias.et.tu-dresden.de/akustik/HAID09/

Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2009
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
>From Sep 10 to Sep 12 2009

6 April 2009: Submission Deadline

More info on http://www.acii2009.nl/

11th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education
Brighton, UK
>From Sep 10 to Sep 11 2009


More info on http://www.epde09.org/

CRIWG 2009, 15th Collaboration Researchers' International Workshop on Groupware
Peso da Régua, Douro, Portugal
>From Sep 13 to Sep 17 2009

3 April 2009: Submission Deadline

More info on http://www.criwg.org

Social Signal processing Workshop 2009
>From Sep 13 to Sep 13 2009

15 June 2009: Submission Deadline

More info on http://osterlix.idiap.ch/~vincia/sspworkshop/

IVA 2009, 9th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
>From Sep 14 to Sep 16 2009

17 April 2009: Submission Deadline

More info on http://iva09.dfki.de

IDEA 2009, the annual Information Architecture Institute Conference
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
>From Sep 15 to Sep 16 2009


More info on http://ideaconference.org/2009/

MobileHCI 2009
Bonn, Germany
>From Sep 15 to Sep 18 2009

16 February 2009: Submission Deadline for full and short papers

More info on http://www.mobilehci09.org/

Mobile Interaction with the Real World 2009
Bonn, Germany
>From Sep 15 to Sep 15 2009

4 May 2009: Submission Deadline

More info on http://mirw09.offis.de/

Mobile HCI 2009 Tutorial day
Bonn, Germany
>From Sep 15 to Sep 15 2009


More info on http://www.mobilehci09.org/program/tutorials

EuroSSC 2009
Guildford, UK
>From Sep 16 to Sep 18 2009

27 April 2009: Submission Deadline
15 May 2009: Extended Submission Deadline

More info on http://www.surrey.ac.uk/eurossc

EuroSSC 2009
Guildford, UK
>From Sep 16 to Sep 18 2009

27 April 2009: Submission Deadline
17 May 2009: Extended Submission Deadline
20 July 2009: Poster and Demo Submission Deadline

More info on http://www.eurossc.org

IEEE Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
Corvallis, Oregon
>From Sep 20 to Sep 24 2009

22 February 2009: Paper Abstracts Deadline
8 March 2009: Paper Submissions Deadline

More info on http://eecs.oregonstate.edu/vlhcc09/

EuroIA Summit 2009
Copenhagen, Denmark
>From Sep 24 to Sep 26 2009


More info on http://www.euroia.org

Archibots 2009 - A Workshop on Architectural Robotics
Orlando, Florida
>From Sep 30 to Sep 30 2009

25 June 2009: Submission Deadline

More info on http://www.archibots.org

ACM Academic MindTrek 2009: Everyday Life in the Ubiquitous Area
Tampere, FINLAND
>From Sep 30 to Oct 02 2009

15 May 2009: Tutorial and Workshop Proposals
31 May 2009: Long Papers
15 June 2009: Short Papers
30 June 2009: Posters

More info on http://www.mindtrek.org/academic

ECCE 2009 - European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2009
Helsinki, Finland
>From Sep 30 to Sep 02 2009

26 August 2009: Early Registration deadline
14 September 2009: Late Registration deadline

More info on http://ecce2009.vtt.fi/

Ubicomp 2009 Conference
Orlando, Florida
>From Sep 30 to Oct 03 2009

17 April 2009: Paper and Notes Submission Deadline
25 June 2009: Demos, Posters, Videos, DC Submission Deadline

More info on http://www.ubicomp.org

3rd Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Awards Competition - 7.000 Euros Award Sum
Tampere, Finland
>From Sep 30 to Oct 02 2009

7 August 2009: Competition Entry Deadline

More info on http://www.mindtrek.org/ubimedia

IFIP 13.6 Human Work Interaction Design 2009, Working Conference on
Usability in Social, Cultural and Organizational Contexts
Pune, India
>From Oct 07 to Oct 08 2009

3 August 2009: Paper Submission
21 August 2009: Acceptance Notification

More info on http://hcdc.cdac.in/hwid/

CENTERIS2009, Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems
Ofir, Portugal
>From Oct 07 to Oct 09 2009

15 April 2009: Paper submission deadline

More info on http://centeris.eiswatch.org

AIGA Design Conference
Memphis, TN, USA
>From Oct 08 to Oct 11 2009


More info on http://designconference.aiga.org/

IEEE Information Visualization
Atlantic City, USA
>From Oct 11 to Oct 16 2009


More info on http://vis.computer.org/VisWeek2009/infovis

IEEE Visualization
Atlantic City, USA
>From Oct 11 to Oct 16 2009


More info on http://vis.computer.org/VisWeek2009/vis

VAST 2009 - IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology
Atlantic City, NJ
>From Oct 11 to Oct 16 2009


More info on http://vis.computer.org/VisWeek2009/vast

International Workshop on Sensing and Acting in Ubiquitous
Environments (SEACUBE'09)
St. Petersburg, Russia
>From Oct 12 to Oct 14 2009

3 August 2009: Submission Deadline

More info on http://www.seacube.org/

DPPI09, Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces
Compiègne, France
>From Oct 13 to Oct 16 2009

20 March 2009: New deadline for papers submission

More info on http://www.utc.fr/dppi09

IHM 2009 - Francophone conference on HCI
Grenoble, France
>From Oct 13 to Oct 16 2009

17 July 2009: Submission Deadline Short papers - Industrial papers

More info on http://ihm09.imag.fr/

DECIS Human Factors Event 2009
Delft, the Netherlands
>From Oct 13 to Oct 14 2009


More info on http://www.humanfactors.decis.nl/

International Conference on Value Chain Sustainability - ICOVACS 2009
Louisville, KY
>From Oct 19 to Oct 21 2009

15 May 2009: Abstract Submission Deadline
15 June 2009: Full Paper Submission Deadline

More info on http://icovacs.org

ISMAR 2009 Conference
Orlando, Florida, USA
>From Oct 19 to Oct 23 2009

31 May 2009: Art, Media and Humanities Program Submission Deadline

More info on http://www.ismar09.org

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 53rd Annual Meeting
San Antonio, Texas
>From Oct 19 to Oct 23 2009


More info on http://www.hfes.org/web/HFESMeetings/09annualmeeting.html

Design by Fire Conference 2009
Utrecht, The Netherlands
>From Oct 20 to Oct 20 2009

4 August 2009: Deadline for Contribution proposals
29 September 2009: Last day of Early bird Registration

More info on http://www.designbyfire.nl/

ICEBE 2009 Conference
Macau, China
>From Oct 21 to Oct 23 2009

5 April 2009: Abstract registration
19 April 2009: Paper submission

More info on http://conferences.computer.org/icebe/

BITs 7th Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery Science and Technology
Shanghai, China
>From Oct 22 to Oct 25 2009


More info on http://www.iddst.com

PLATEAU 2009 - Workshop on Evaluation and Usability of Programming
Languages and Tools
Orlando, Florida, USA
>From Oct 25 to Oct 26 2009

31 August 2009: Submission Deadline

More info on http://ecs.victoria.ac.nz/Events/PLATEAU/

WikiSym 2009, the 5th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration
Orlando, Florida, USA
>From Oct 25 to Oct 27 2009

2 April 2009: Research papers, experience reports, workshop proposals and more
24 April 2009: Posters, demonstration proposals and more

More info on http://www.wikisym.org/ws2009/tiki-index.php

WikiSym 2009
Orlando, FL, USA
>From Oct 25 to Oct 27 2009

17 September 2009: Early Registration

More info on http://www.wikisym.org

ASSETS 2009, Eleventh International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on
Computers and Accessibility
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
>From Oct 26 to Oct 28 2009

10 May 2009: Technical Papers
6 July 2009: Posters, Demos, and Student Research Competition
17 July 2009: Doctoral Consortium

More info on http://www.sigaccess.org/assets09

Workshop - Informing the design of the future urban landscape
Berkeley, California, USA
>From Oct 27 to Oct 30 2009

31 August 2009: Application deadline

More info on http://informingurbanfutures.wordpress.com/about

ACM Creativity and Cognition 2009
Berkeley, USA
>From Oct 27 to Oct 30 2009

24 April 2009: Submission Deadline

More info on http://www.creativityandcognition09.org

The 5th Central and Eastern European Software Engineering Conference
in Russia 2009 (CEE-SECR 2009)
Moscow, Russia
>From Oct 28 to Oct 29 2009

7 August 2009: Abstract submission deadline

More info on http://cee-secr.org/

ACE 2009 - Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology
Athens, Greece
>From Oct 29 to Oct 31 2009

26 June 2009: Creative Showcases

More info on http://www.ace2009.org/

ACE 2009 and DIMEA 2009
Athens, Greece
>From Oct 29 to Oct 31 2009

19 June 2009: Deadline for Posters and Creative Showcases

More info on http://www.ace2009.org

Dust or Magic: The Ninth Annual Children's New Media Design Institute
Lambertville, NJ, USA
>From Nov 01 to Nov 03 2009

[Date unavailable]: None

More info on http://www.dustormagic.com

VIEW Conference 2009
Turin, Italy
>From Nov 04 to Nov 07 2009

31 August 2009: VIEWFest: Intalianmix2009 Call for Entries
15 October 2009: VIEW 2009 Call for Entries

More info on http://www.viewconference.it

Workshop on Use of Context in Vision Processing (UCVP)
Boston, USA
>From Nov 05 to Nov 05 2009

15 July 2009: Submission Deadline

More info on http://hmi.ewi.utwente.nl/ucvp09

CLIHC 2009 - 4th Latin American Conference on Human-computer
Interaction and the 7th Latin American Web Congress
Merida, Mexico
>From Nov 09 to Nov 11 2009

4 September 2009: Submission Posters Deadline

More info on http://latin-web.org/clihc09/

CLIHC and LA-WEB 09, 4th. Latin American Conference on Human-computer
Merida, Yucatan
>From Nov 09 to Nov 11 2009

14 June 2009: Submission Deadline
10 July 2009: Notification of acceptance
1 August 2009: Camera-ready manuscripts due

More info on http://latin-web.org/clihc09/

The 4th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured
Transactions (ICITST-2009)
London, UK
>From Nov 09 to Nov 12 2009

30 April 2009: Workshop Submission Deadline
30 May 2009: Paper Submission Deadline

More info on http://www.icitst.org

USAB 09 - 5th Usability Symposium of the Austrian Computer Society
Linz, Austria
>From Nov 10 to Nov 11 2009


More info on http://usab.icchp.org/

VASE - Workshop on Visual Analytics in Software Engineering
Auckland, New Zealand
>From Nov 16 to Nov 17 2009

31 July 2009: Submission Deadline

More info on http://ecs.victoria.ac.nz/Events/VASE/

VRST 2009, The 16th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality and Software Technology
Kyoto, Japan
>From Nov 18 to Nov 20 2009

10 June 2009: Papers
17 June 2009: Short Papers

More info on http://grouse.ime.cmc.osaka-u.ac.jp:8080/VRST2009/

AmI 2009 Conference
Salzburg, austria
>From Nov 18 to Nov 21 2009

25 May 2009: Workshops Submission Deadline
8 June 2009: Papers Submission Deadline
22 June 2009: Short Papers, Posters, Demos, Landscapes Submission Deadline
5 October 2009: Visions, Industrial Case Studies Submission Deadline

More info on http://www.ami-09.org/

OZCHI 2009 Conference
Melbourne, Australia
>From Nov 23 to Nov 27 2009

28 August 2009: Short papers

More info on http://www.ozchi.org

OZCHI 2009 Conference
Melbourne, Australia
>From Nov 23 to Nov 27 2009

12 June 2009: Submission Deadline: Long papers, and workshop and
tutorial proposals
28 August 2009: Submission Deadline: Short papers, industry case
studies, demos and posters, and doctoral consortium

More info on http://www.ozchi.org/

First Nordic Service Design Conference 2009
Oslo, Norway
>From Nov 24 to Nov 26 2009


More info on http://www.aho.no/no/AHO/Aktuelt/ServiceDesignConference/

DICTA2009, Digital Image Computing - Techniques and Applications
Melbourne, Australia
>From Dec 01 to Dec 03 2009

15 June 2009: Paper Submission Deadline

More info on http://dicta2009.vu.edu.au

ICIDS 2009 - International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling
Guimarães, Portugal
>From Dec 09 to Dec 11 2009

13 July 2009: submission deadline (all categories)

More info on http://www.icids2009.ccg.pt/

TwUC 2009
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
>From Dec 14 to Dec 16 2009

1 August 2009: Submission Deadline
23 August 2009: Extended Submission Deadline

More info on http://www.twuc.info

AUIC 2010 Conference
Brisbane, Australia
>From Jan 18 to Jan 22 2010

17 August 2009: Submission Deadline

More info on https://www.se.auckland.ac.nz/conferences/auic2010/

The 2nd International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation
(ICCMS 2010)
Sanya, China
>From Jan 22 to Jan 24 2010

10 September 2009: Submission Deadline
10 October 2009: Notification of Acceptance
6 November 2009: Authors' Registration

More info on http://www.iccms.org/

TEI'10: Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction
Cambridge, MA, USA
>From Jan 25 to Jan 27 2010

10 August 2009: Studios submissions due
2 October 2009: GSC submissions due

More info on http://www.tei-conf.org

IxD10 - Interaction 2010
Savannah, GA, USA
>From Feb 04 to Feb 07 2010


More info on http://www.ixda.org

CSCW 2010 Conference
Savannah, Georgia, USA
>From Feb 06 to Feb 10 2010

1 June 2009: Paper and Notes Submission Deadline
16 October 2009: Demos, Posters, Videos, Doctoral Colloquium, Horizon Deadlines

More info on http://www.cscw2010.org

2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
Hong Kong, China
>From Feb 07 to Feb 10 2010

17 July 2009: Intention to Submit Workshop Proposal Deadline
31 July 2009: Final Workshop Proposal Deadline
25 September 2009: Long and Short Paper Submission Deadline

More info on http://www.iuiconf.org/index.html

ICDIP 2010 - The 2nd International Conference on Digital Image Processing
>From Feb 26 to Feb 28 2010

15 September 2010: Full Paper Submission Deadline
5 October 2010: Notification of Acceptance
25 October 2010: Authors' Registration and Final Papers

More info on http://www.icdip.org/

ETRA 2010 - Eye Tracking Research and Applications Symposium
Austin, TX, USA
>From Mar 22 to Mar 24 2010

30 September 2009: Full paper abstract deadline
7 October 2009: Full paper deadline

More info on http://www.e-t-r-a.org/

CHI 2010 Conference
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
>From Apr 10 to Apr 15 2010

17 July 2009: Workshop proposals due -
17 September 2009: Papers and Notes Due -
3 October 2009: Case Studies Due -
9 October 2009: Panels (http://www.chi2010.org/authors/cfp-panels.html)

More info on http://chi2010.org

ACM CHI 2009 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
>From Apr 10 to Apr 15 2010

17 July 2009: Course Proposals -
17 September 2009: Papers and Notes -
9 October 2009: Panels - http://www.chi2010.org/authors/cfp-panels.html

More info on http://chi2010.org

IVAPP 2010 - International Conference on Information Visualization
Theory and Applications
Angers, France
>From May 17 to May 21 2010

22 November 2009: Regular Paper Submission
26 January 2010: Authors Notification
10 February 2010: Final Paper Submission and Registration

More info on http://ivapp.visigrapp.org

VISAPP - 5th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Angers, France
>From May 17 to May 21 2010

22 November 2009: Regular Paper Submission
26 January 2010: Authors Notification
10 February 2010: Final Paper Submission and Registration

More info on http://visapp.visigrapp.org

GRAPP - 5th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and
Angers, France
>From May 17 to May 21 2010

22 November 2009: Regular Paper Submission
26 January 2010: Authors Notification
10 February 2010: Final Paper Submission and Registration

More info on http://grapp.visigrapp.org

IMAGAPP - 2nd International Conference on Imaging Theory and Applications
Angers, France
>From May 17 to May 21 2010

22 November 2009: Regular Paper Submission
26 January 2010: Authors Notification
10 February 2010: Final Paper Submission and Registration

More info on http://imagapp.visigrapp.org/

VISIGRAPP 2010 - International Joint Conference on Computer Vision,
Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Angers, France
>From May 17 to May 21 2010

22 November 2009: Regular Paper Submission
26 January 2010: Authors Notification
10 February 2010: Final Paper Submission and Registration

More info on http://www.visigrapp.org/

ICEIS - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Funchal, Portugal
>From Jun 08 to Jun 12 2010

6 January 2010: Regular Paper Submission
8 March 2010: Authors Notification (regular papers)
24 March 2010: Final Regular Paper Submission and Registration

More info on http://www.iceis.org

UMAP 2010 - 18th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation
and Personalization
Big Island, Hawaii, U.S.A
>From Jun 20 to Jun 24 2010


More info on http://www.hawaii.edu/UMAP2010

JCDL10-ICADL10 - Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2010 and the
International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries
Gold Coast, Australia
>From Jun 21 to Jun 25 2010


More info on http://www.jcdl-icadl2010.org/

EuroHaptics 2010
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
>From Jul 08 to Jul 10 2010


More info on http://www.eurohaptics2010.org

Diagrams 2010
Portland, Oregon, USA
>From Aug 09 to Aug 11 2010

8 January 2010: Abstract submission
18 January 2010: Paper, tutorial and workshop proposal submissions
1 February 2010: Poster submission
29 March 2010: Camera ready copies due

More info on http://www.diagrams-conference.org/2010/

DIS 2010 - The ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference
Aarhus, Denmark
>From Aug 16 to Aug 20 2010

15 February 2010: Papers

More info on http://dis2010.org

NordiCHI 2010
Reykjavik, Iceland
>From Oct 16 to Oct 20 2010

16 April 2010: Long papers
30 April 2010: Workshops and tutorials
16 July 2010: Short papers
6 August 2010: Doctorial consortium

More info on http://www.nordichi2010.org

HCI-Aero 2010 - International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
in Aerospace 2010
Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA
>From Nov 03 to Nov 05 2010

2 April 2010: Full Research Papers
30 April 2010: Industry and Early Stage Papers, Posters, Panels,
Demos, Workshops

More info on

World Usability Day 2010
>From Nov 11 to Nov 11 2010


More info on http://www.worldusabilityday.org/


Best regards,

Mads Soegaard, Editor-in-Chief

Please spend 7 seconds helping our Open Content efforts: Share a link
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Address: Chr. Molbechs Vej 4, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Mobile : +45 2629 5505
Web : http://www.interaction-design.org/references/authors/mads_soegaard.html

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