[Sigia-l] [Spam] Re: using the term "keyword"

James Melzer jamesmelzer at gmail.com
Fri Jul 31 06:57:20 EDT 2009

I suspect we are talking about AOL keywords. As in, "visit us on the  
Web at AOL.com, keyword 'Transformers' ."

- James Melzer

SRA International, Inc.
jamesmelzer at gmail.com
Please excuse typos!
Fat fingers + tiny keys = iPhone

On Jul 31, 2009, at 5:15 AM, "Eric Reiss" <er at fatdux.com> wrote:

> Great suggestion, Jonathan!
> Dan, you'd better chime in here and tell us more about the background
> for your question. Jonathan and I are in the "discovery phase" here.
> Politically (reading between the lines), it looks like you don't like
> the word "keyword." It would help to know why if we are to provide  
> truly
> useful input.
> Cheers,
> Eric
> -----------------------
> Eric Reiss
> The FatDUX Group
> Copenhagen, Denmark
> http://www.fatdux.com
> office: (+45) 39 29 67 77
> mobile: (+45) 20 12 88 44
> skype: ericreiss
> twitter: @elreiss
> FatDUX is an official sponsor of the
> Usability Professionals' Association
> http://www.upassoc.org
> -----------------------
> If you received this in error, please let us know and delete the file.
> FatDUX advises all recipients to virus scan all emails, and to eat  
> five
> portions of fruit and vegetables daily.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sigia-l-bounces at asis.org [mailto:sigia-l-bounces at asis.org] On
> Behalf Of Jonathan Baker-Bates
> Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 10:57 AM
> Subject: [Spam] Re: [Sigia-l] using the term "keyword"
> On Fri, 2009-07-31 at 08:58 +0200, Eric Reiss wrote:
>> I assume you're wondering whether to use "tags" as an alternative.
> Eric is usually right, but I'll pitch in with another interpretation  
> of
> Dan's rather cryptic question.
> He mentions a "Communications team", which makes me think that he  
> may be
> referring to the use of the term "keyword" in the context of  
> marketing.
> Something like "Hey kids! Use the keyword 'flounder' to find out more
> about the k-razy adventures of Kaptain Trout!!"
> If so, then I've noticed the term being used in similar contexts a
> couple of times recently, but it stuck me as being pretty odd.
> But this gives me an idea (don't get many of those!). Seth Godin
> recently commented on the "What is a browser?" Youtube video that
> somebody from Google did a few weeks ago. Why not try the "What is a
> keyword?" equivalent, then show the hilarious results to your
> Communications team?
> http://bit.ly/o6zMn
> That'll learn 'em!
> Jonathan
> PS: I've been meaning to reproduce this video here in London's Covent
> Garden just to make sure that the citizens of New York aren't in some
> way unusually ignorant (or indeed informed!). I'll put it up next to  
> the
> one I still haven't made yet of me using an imaginary multi-touch
> display to see how long it takes me for my arms to collapse.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: sigia-l-bounces at asis.org [mailto:sigia-l-bounces at asis.org] On
>> Behalf Of Dan Chamberlain
>> Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 14:31 PM
>> To: 'Sigia-l at asis.org'
>> Subject: [Sigia-l] using the term "keyword"
>> We have a Communications team that still favors the term "Keyword".
> Does
>> the term "Keyword" have any meaning to users? If so, how do you use
> it?
>> Do you use it as a way to direct traffic on your Web site?
>> Dan Chamberlain
>> Internet Strategy
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