[Sigia-l] web site design vs RSS

Matthew Nish-Lapidus mattnl at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 22:58:13 EDT 2007

On 10/18/07, Paola Kathuria <paola at limov.com> wrote:
> How about when the text refers to images that aren't
> displayed?
> For example, "I really love this print by ..." or "Above
> are some of the postcards from..." or "Click for _more_
> photos of the exhibition".

This is just a bad blogging system.. most blogs include inline images
in the RSS.  If the images are part of the post they should be in the

> (btw, did I mention that the main site is done entirely
> in Flash?)

This would have sent me running, never to return.  The blog format
just doesn't work in flash, nor should it.  This is not what flash
does best.  Any designer who insists on designing their blog using
flash doesn't understand their medium.

Matt Nish-Lapidus
email/gtalk: mattnl at gmail.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mattnl
Home: http://www.nishlapidus.com

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