[Sigia-l] Axure

Jonathan Baker-Bates Jonathan.Baker-Bates at lbi.com
Thu Nov 1 10:37:14 EDT 2007

> One could argue that the fundamental purpose of prototyping 
> is the elimination of documentation and annotation: the 
> 'ultimate' prototype speaks for itself.

I don't think that actually means anything. Such a prototype would have
to be the application itself. Not only that, it would need to be so
simple as to reveal all its logic in use (or, er, reading the source
code). In reality, some form of documentation (outside of the heads of
those that created it) is needed to explain what the application does
when it is not in an obvious (or easily discoverable) state. 

That is, unless you are going to rely on the people who design the
application to also write it.  I'm sure at least some of us here are of
the opinion that unless you can execute your own designs you are not a
"real" designer. At least, that has been expressed as an opinion
elsewhere. It is not an opinion I can share, because I design systems
that I would not have a hope of executing myself. I know enough about
the platforms I design for that I can have helpful conversations with
those that execute my designs, but no more than that.

That is why I need a prototyping tool. In some (but not all) cases, I
have found Axure helpful in that regard. I looked at simunicator and
didn't like it. Too formal. I'd also be reluctant to use a browser-based
app with any real intensity.

> Axure brings up the question of whether a prototyping tool 
> should be (efficient but) constraining or liberating? If the 
> tool is constraining, chances are the designer will be subtly 
> and covertly nudged towards solutions that are an easy fit 
> for the tool. If you are not an expert with broader 
> experience, you won't even notice this.

Again, that's a valid point, but it's still somewhat unsound if you make
a hard connection between the notion of constraint and suboptimal
design. Why can't a prototype be a basis for discussion that simply
indicates a design direction that can be worked into the final
application? Why obsess about whether the existence of a certain tool in
the prototyping application is somehow poisoning your creativity?
Personally, I wear a tin-foil hat when using such tools for just this
reason - and so should you. 

> I haven't formed an opinion on Axure yet.

I'm not surprised - wrap some tinfoil round your head: does wonders for

Incidentally, you originally asked what happened to the penny I tried
dropping on Axure re. XML and deriving data structures from IA design
artefacts. I corresponded with Victor Hsu for a bit on the subject, but
I'm afraid to say I don't think I managed to get the penny very close to
the dropping point. It's recently edged a bit in the right direction
with their introduction of their API though, but I've (still) not looked
at that properly.


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