[Sigia-l] Bristol (UK) usability group – meeting next Tuesday 6th

Joe Leech joe.leech at gmail.com
Thu Nov 1 08:32:35 EDT 2007

Come and meet other usability folk from the area.   Please pass around.

Just to let you know the meeting is next Tuesday 6.30pm at Futurelab,
round the back of the watershed.  We meet for an hour to discuss
something, then to the watershed for drinks.

Topic for the next session:  Interfaces of the future.  Can people
bring some examples

Why people come...
Networking and meeting people with similar interests; get a job;
discuss different usability methods and approaches; gossip; keep
abreast of what is going on in the field; see what projects others
work on and what practices they use; learn and share experiences...


Give me a shout if you have any questions.


joeleech.net   +447905 33 4163


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