[Sigia-l] When will you buy one?

Manu Sharma manu at orangehues.com
Wed May 30 07:50:12 EDT 2007

I wrote:

> I actually think that there's a pretty realistic chance that we'll 
> see multi-touch interface in regular laptops very soon.

Jonathan responded:

> Well, we have that now, but there's something about it that makes 
> me think it's not going to take off. Various examples on YouTube, 
> this one taken at random:

No, that's not what I described.

> as long as we need to type, have gravity to deal with, and have 
> our heads above our shoulders, the whole Minority Report UI is not 
> going to happen.

Not sure if you looked at the link I gave but the Apple patent 
describes a laptop with a wider touchpad that responds to multipoint 
finger input captured though the cam.

It's not the Minority Report UI. You don't have to lift your hands 
from the keyboard in this case. Here's the link once again: 


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