[Sigia-l] Sigia-l Digest, Vol 32, Issue 14

professor professor at intertwining.org
Sun May 13 17:25:43 EDT 2007


dr. joanne twining
San Jose State University, School of Library Information Science
professor at intertwining.org

sigia-l-request at asis.org wrote:
> Send Sigia-l mailing list submissions to
> 	sigia-l at asis.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> 	http://mail.asis.org/mailman/listinfo/sigia-l
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> 	sigia-l-request at asis.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> 	sigia-l-owner at asis.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Sigia-l digest..."
> Searchable list archive:   http://www.info-arch.org/lists/sigia-l/
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Informal UX Social Hour: Minn/St. Paul Area - 5/14	5:30-7:00
>       (Jared M. Spool)
>    2. Giulio Quaggiotto is out of the office. (Giulio Quaggiotto)
>    3. What do you call that place between the database and the	live
>       site? (Jay Morgan)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 12 May 2007 14:01:28 -0400
> From: "Jared M. Spool" <jspool at uie.com>
> Subject: [Sigia-l] Informal UX Social Hour: Minn/St. Paul Area - 5/14
> 	5:30-7:00
> To: SIGIA-L <sigia-l at asis.org>
> Message-ID: <5655B708-0CCF-41B4-95E1-6797D7533E5A at uie.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed
> [Apologies for any duplication]
> Greetings,
> I am visiting the Minneapolis/St. Paul area on Monday, attending the  
> annual STC conference and visiting with several clients. If you're in  
> this area too, I'd love to meet with you. I'm hosting an informal  
> cocktail hour in Minneapolis on Monday, May 14, from 5:30-7:00. (Ok,  
> it's really 90 minutes, but who's counting?)
> Join me and other web designers, usability professionals, information  
> architects, interaction designers, content managers, and other user  
> experience professionals as we meet, greet, and connect up with other  
> folks who face the same challenges we have.
> Minneapolis/St. Paul Area Social Hour - Monday, 5/14 - 5:30-7:00 pm
> Zelo
> http://www.zelomn.com/
> 831 Nicollet Mall,
> Minneapolis, MN 55402
> Phone: 612-333-7000
> Map: http://tinyurl.com/2joelc
> No RSVP necessary.
> Hope to see you there,
> Jared
> Jared M. Spool
> User Interface Engineering
> 510 Turnpike St., Suite 102, North Andover, MA 01845
> e: jspool at uie.com p: +1 978 327 5561
> http://uie.com  Blog: http://uie.com/brainsparks
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Sat, 12 May 2007 16:01:52 -0400
> From: Giulio Quaggiotto <GQuaggiotto at ifc.org>
> Subject: [Sigia-l] Giulio Quaggiotto is out of the office.
> To: sigia-l at asis.org
> Message-ID:
> 	<OFF5CDD57D.CC0CD43A-ON852572D9.006E08F2-852572D9.006E08F2 at ifc.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> I will be out of the office starting  05/09/2007 and will not return until
> 05/14/2007.
> I will respond to your message when I return.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Sat, 12 May 2007 20:56:11 -0500
> From: "Jay Morgan" <jayamorgan at gmail.com>
> Subject: [Sigia-l] What do you call that place between the database
> 	and the	live site?
> To: "IAI list" <iai-members at lists.iainstitute.org>,	"sigia l"
> 	<Sigia-l at asis.org>
> Message-ID:
> 	<7a67e3340705121856i369358ddmb4c0c22911b97c56 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> I've heard it called "sandbox", "staging", "test server", "dev(elopment)
> server".  What do you call it?
> Also:
> Do you actually get to work on it or in it?  If yes, how do you interact
> with it?  (Sample answers: Yes, I shape it w/ SQL.  I do QA on it.  I own
> it.  I built it.)
> Why I'm asking:
> I want to know what you all call it because I want to discuss the value of
> that intermediate space between data and live as an integral part of how to
> do Design.  I think there's more potential in that approach than in linear
> design approaches - i.e., conceive, define, design, build, launch.  This
> will lead to a presentation and an article.  Hopefully, it will lead to all
> my future employers adopting the practice of enabling their teams with a
> sandbox or staging server within arm's reach.
> Background:
> Several years ago, I worked for a content management ASP.  As a systems
> analyst there, I worked on an application called "Intranet Administrator,"
> affectionately known as "IA".  (No, this is not about the coincidence
> between that name and my current job title.  Just to be clear, I'll call it
> IA*.)  IA* was the backbone of our intranet, a 'site' used by thousands of
> clients across the country as a reference point for what was about to go
> live.  The genius of IA* is that it was a tangible, living display of the
> client's information architecture.  On my desktop, I worked in four windows
> simultaneously:
> - a SQL database UI (proprietary, I think)
> - IA* (a proprietary app)
> - a staging server (between IA* and the live client site)
> - the live site (belonging to our clients, e.g., cars.com)
> I could analyze and diagnose problems on the live site, query our database
> in the SQL UI to get at the root, then manipulate IA* to achieve the desired
> results, proof the results in staging area, and then launch to the live
> site.  (The live site had some delay, naturally.)  That three-tiered
> perspective makes my heart swoon.  No Design tool or approach has compared
> to that in my eyes.  To paraphrase Almashi, that is my favorite place on a
> company's information architecture.
> Thanks,
> Jay

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