[Sigia-l] Everything is Miscellaneous

Brenda Janish bjanish at mac.com
Thu May 3 11:12:55 EDT 2007

Ugh. This Jets vs. Sharks discussion is very tiresome and 

Why does job title matter so much?  Obviously, my opinion is that 
it doesn't matter, much.  Job titles serve a practical purpose.  
They're a scent marker for job opportunities, potential hirees' 
skillsets, professional affiliations, and that's about it. It's 
not something to wrap a personal identity around, it's not 
all-encompassing of a person's role or skills.  I would never 
apply for a job based on job title alone (which is why job 
descriptions exist), nor would I hire someone based solely on a 
self-identifier of "Information Architect" or "Interaction 
Designer."  I would hire them based on their unique skillset and 
experience.  So... why does it matter?

There will never be a 2-word title for what we do that encompasses 
all the variations of the job, which are driven by context and 
industry and company culture, so why the insistence on it?  Why 
does it matter that everyone with the same job title do exactly 
the same work? A rose by any other name...

David, you're the most vocal on this... why does job title matter 
so much to you?  I'm being sincere in that question.  Why so much 
angst over the literal accuracy of a job title, particularly other 
people's job titles?

On Thu May 03 07:22:45 PDT 2007, David Malouf <dave.ixd at gmail.com> 

> Then are you an information architect? Aren't you an interaction
> designer? Why hold onto the title if it really doesn't reference 
> your
> actual activities of your role?
> -- David Malouf
> http://synapticburn.com/
> http://ixda.org/
> http://motorola.com/

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