[Sigia-l] Dress Code

Dave Chiu dave at d4v3.net
Sun Mar 25 23:53:37 EDT 2007

> I do think that showing up to client meetings with smart ideas and  
> good work makes the issue of what you're wearing rather moot. I  
> think there's great tolerance for unconventional modes of dress, as  
> long as you offer something of value.

I'm just curious, but does anyone see these "rules" applying to job  
interviews these days?

I'm relatively new to the "creative" field, and I can understand that  
you might have more wardrobe leeway once you've "proven" yourself  
through your work. But for those of us starting out, does that  
flexibility also extend to first impressions?

I view the whole situation as a catch-22: a suit may be too formal  
and unwelcome in, for example, an ad agency, but at the same time it  
does universally signify your awareness of the interview's formality  
and importance.

My instinct is to be more formal, since you can always dress-down  
formal, but I'm curious to hear what others think.


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