[Sigia-l] Twitting yet?

Jamie Foggon jarmes at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 15:43:27 EDT 2007

This is just my personal opinion, but I think Twitter is a case of
pushing what can be done to the limit. It's not necessarily useful, or
has any longevity.

The way the internet has evolved over the last few years reminds me
weirdly of a hyper-accelerated version of the evolution of art from
traditional to impressionist, to modernism... eventually getting to
Malevich's 'White on white'. People always want to push to the limits
of what can be done, and the web is going through this intense social
networking phase - where Twitter must be pretty much the logical

The level of detail cannot get more granular than telling all your
friends you've just eaten a sandwich or farted. What added value does
this provide to anyone else? Wouldn't it be better to spend the time
doing more worthwhile things, than spending valuable seconds of your
life telling people about the mundane?

I hope that the social networking revolution will eventually mature
into helping connect worthwhile thoughts and actions and make those
connections more pertinent and life enhancing. Information overload
will get even more of an issue as we get towards Minority Report as a
reality - who needs EVEN MORE distractions from actually trying to
achieve something with the day!!

Am I missing something fundamental with this? I think its a banal
waste of time. Do stuff, don't talk about it, and at least dont talk
about stuff that is not interesting!

Jamie Foggon

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