[Sigia-l] How to write a UI/UX review

Ziya Oz listera at earthlink.net
Tue Mar 13 22:43:42 EDT 2007

Very funny review of Samsung E900/Orange in The Guardian:

"It is lumbered with a bewildering array of unnecessary 'features' aimed at
idiots, including a mode that scans each text message and turns some of the
words into tiny animations, so if someone texts to say they have just run
over your child in their car, the word 'car' is replaced by a wacky cartoon
vehicle putt-putting onto the screen."


As if we need more proof that the iPhone couldn't come soon enough :-)

On a lighter note, wouldn't it be fair and grand if 1 out of every 10
reviews of a product read like a manifesto of ticked off userbase delivered
with such sarcasm and disdain for poor UX?


"If I had asked my customers what they wanted,
they would have asked for a faster horse." -- Henry Ford

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