[Sigia-l] Simplicity

David Malouf dave.ixd at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 10:26:22 EDT 2007

Also, we can't talk about "simplicity" without acknowledging that
"simple" is a POV. How many times have we called up Tech Support to be
told, "Do X, Do Y, Go back to X to change Z, click save, Go back to Y
and select 1-4, Click Apply, and go back and double-click A ...

This might be a good time to look at Jorge's B&A article for this week
about "Deep Context".

-- dave

On 3/12/07, Stewart Dean <stew8dean at hotmail.com> wrote:
>  ________________________________
>  > Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 06:22:58 -0400
> > From: dave.ixd at gmail.com
> > To: sigia-l at asis.org
> > Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] Simplicity
> >
> > On 3/12/07, Donna Maurer <donnam at maadmob.net> wrote:
> > > Simple and simpler are quite different things. One is vague, the other
> > > is relative...
> >
> > Donna's point is probably on target, when looking at your business
> > process case. I'm sure you can simplify it, but that doesn't mean it
> > will be simple.
>  Well said.
>  In my view one of the major aims of my work is achiving 'apparant
> simplicity' - that is making something that is complex and may not be
> simplified into something that is clear and feels simple. After all very
> rarely can we reorganise a company to make a site easier to use but we can
> use methods to make it much more transparant to the user.
>  Stewart Dean

David Malouf

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